What cost a night of joy? by Haiza Tyri
Summary: Zoe watches Jarod walk away at the end of "Road Trip." A drabble.
Categories: Jarod/Zoe or Miss Parker/Thomas, Character Musing, Love, Season 4 Characters: Jarod, Zoe
Genres: Angst, Character Musing, Romance, Tragedy
Warnings: None
Challenges: Drabble #01 Love, Drabble #10 T/MP or J/Z Pairings, Drabble #33 Confessions
Challenges: Drabble #01 Love, Drabble #10 T/MP or J/Z Pairings, Drabble #33 Confessions
Series: Episode Drabbles
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 102 Read: 1775 Published: 16/06/09 Updated: 16/06/09
Chapter 1 by Haiza Tyri

            Why do I get the feeling that I’m the fortunate one as I watch Jarod walk away? I’m the one with cancer, he the healthy one. But the pain in his eyes as he kisses me brokenly and the halting step with which he leaves say otherwise.

            I shouldn’t have done it. A night of joy. A night in which to live before I ended it all. That’s what I wanted. That’s what we had. But at what cost? Because now I’m going to live, and so is Jarod. And I’ve taken from him something he can never get back.

This story archived at http://www.pretendercentre.com/missingpieces/viewstory.php?sid=5380