Transcontinental Hide and Seek by Eveylin
Summary: written for teh *Air vents* challenge on pretender100
Categories: Air Vents Characters: Miss Parker
Genres: General
Warnings: None
Challenges: Drabble #50 Air Vents
Challenges: Drabble #50 Air Vents
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 99 Read: 2188 Published: 07/03/07 Updated: 07/03/07
Chapter 1 by Eveylin
Sometimes it feels like all I do is chase Jarod.

Once when they were young they played hide and seek. She chased Jarod and Angelo through the air vents, listening closely and following the trail of Cracker Jacks and giggles.

She never caught him.

Angelo she found three turns in. He smiled widely when she jumped around the corner and surprised him.

Jarod she never managed to find.

As she sweeps another empty room with her gun and sighs in frustration, she knows, deep down within her, that she’s just repeating history.

And sometimes, I think it’s all I have.

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