Thoughts by Rising Sun
Summary: Parker reminisces about a past life.

Categories: Crossovers Characters: Miss Parker
Genres: Character Musing, Vignette
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 635 Read: 2073 Published: 28/05/05 Updated: 28/05/05
Thoughts by Rising Sun
Title: Thoughts
Author: Rising Sun
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Summary: Parker reminisces about a past life.
Classification: Crossover/Story
Spoilers: A New Beginning, Ares, Touch and Go

Disclaimer: Pretender and JAG characters portrayed are not mine! No copyright infringement intended. All other characters depicted are purely fictional and any similarities to actual people are purely coincidental.

Feedback: Send it.
Permission to archive: Permission granted.
Story written - August 23, 2002


Parker sat before the open fire. She just sat. After all it was a snow day … well it had been it was now the dead of night. Everything had come to a halt. She imagined the ants still toiled at the Center but she had been stuck at home for the whole day.

It was unique.

It wasn't often that she got to just be. So here she was staring at the portrait of herself as a pre-teen by Jarod. The damned thing seemed to mock her. What happened to that young girl? It seemed to ask.

She knocked back the vodka martini and reached for the pitcher on the nearby table for a re-fill. She had a better thought. Why had she given up pretending for this dead end job?

Her last assignment had been fun. She'd been Lt. Commander Katline Pike Harvard lawyer in the NAVY. She in the NAVY of all places! She smiled, as she remembered her partner Lt. Commander Harmon Rabb Jr. he looked good an he knew it!


Kate: Those wings look good on you. (Points to the gold wings on the uniform)

Harm: Well, you know what they say about gold wings and dress whites. They'll get you in bed anywhere.

Kate: Except here.


Was she crazy? Except here?

But maybe he did care somewhere deep down inside. Lord knew he had virtually stalked her on the Ares.


Kate: Why are you so curious?

Harm: It's my nature


She snorted. Curios indeed she was one to talk. Here she was running down every ridiculous clue to catch Jarod. At the thought of Jarod she did the inevitable quick comparison of Jarod to Harm of like as a Naval Lawyer vs life with the Center. Was there really a basis for the comparison?

She’d actually made Commander in that damned Pretend. The Judge Advocate General himself had offered her tenure at the office and she’d just walked away.

Talk about the challenge! Harm was virtually running a harem. The legal challenge would have been nothing compared to seeing which one of them he would end up with.


Harm: Would have been nice having you around

Kate: Harm the last thing you need is a third female to complicate your life.

Harm: Where do you get three?

Kate: Rene Me and Mac.


She looked at the portrait again.

It looked back at her. “What you looking at!?” She snarled at it.

It mocked her. “Jarod – Harm. Harm – Jarod.”

She leaned over and reached for the phone. Snow day or not it was time to break the isolation – reach out and touch someone as it were.

The male voice came through the wire.

“It’s me.”


“Any leads on Jarod?” She asked Sydney.

~*~ END ~*~

The Challenge as presented at the Fan Fiction Challenge at

Thoughts Challenge

Miss Parker is sitting in front of an open fire. What is she doing? Describe her thoughts, her feelings and her surroundings.
This story archived at