The Light In Her Eyes by Pretender_Mel
Summary: A photo triggers questions for Jarod
Categories: Photos Characters: None
Genres: Angst
Warnings: None
Challenges: Drabble #41 Photos
Challenges: Drabble #41 Photos
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 194 Read: 1806 Published: 21/05/05 Updated: 21/05/05
The Light In Her Eyes by Pretender_Mel
The Light In Her Eyes
by Pretender_Mel

There was a great deal of love in the woman’s eye. Jarod knew it was directed at the baby she was holding. He guessed that the father, who was a mere camera-bearing shadow reflected in the window behind the woman, shared this love for the child as well. He’d been carrying the photo around with him for months, a gift from a man who had known his parents. At least Jarod thought they were his parents. It wasn’t as if photos could give DNA samples, after all.

Was the baby, the center of these two people’s world, indeed him? And could these two people still love him even though they’d never really known him? Could he love them? Not the concept of them, the actual personalities behind the smiles. Jarod had met so many people in his travels, had seen so much love and loss, yet he still didn’t quite understand matters of emotion. He was a genius, yes, but genius couldn’t give certainty or comprehension when one’s heart was on the line.

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