Summary: Miss Parker recieves a gift.
Categories: Season 4 Characters: Jarod, Miss Parker
Genres: Angst, Drama
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Word count: 598
Read: 2051
Published: 14/05/05
Updated: 14/05/05
Sketches by Zanna
Author: Zanna
Rating: G, Mild adult situations
Category: Drama, Angst (J/MP)
Archived on: November 1, 2001
Timeline: Mid-season four
Spoilers: None
Summary: Miss Parker recieves a gift.
Disclaimer: The characters Miss Parker, Sydney, Jarod, Broots etc. and the fictional Centre, are all property of MTM and NBC Productions and used without permission. I'm not making any money out of this and no infringement is intended.
It had started out as a pencil sketch while he was on a train and between Pretends. With the soothing sounds of the wheels on the tracks, he had unknowingly started to sketch her eyes. Nose, mouth and even wrinkles soon followed and it was only after a passenger had asked who she was that he had realised that he had drawn her. Putting it in his shoulderbag, he forgot about it until his next Pretend was over and he had taken his first vacation. Wanting to observe normal people without being on a quest was something that he had wanted to do and the small Italian village seemed perfect.
After his first week he had wanted to slip into Leonardo da Vinci's skin and had bought himself paint and a canvas. All was at peace until he awoke and like a madman searched for the elusive scrap of paper that had invaded his dreams. Bags were emptied, carefully sorted papers were thrown into disarray until he found it. With a sigh of relief he sat down and stared at the picture, gently tracing the lines of her face. He was gratefull that the village was so quiet, since he knew that he was heading for a burnout. Sydney had warned him about the dangers of too much Pretending but he had never listened. But he knew he couldn't rest until he rid himself of his demons and hers and here, in this little village, he had found a way that he could.
Putting the sketch away, he walked towards the blank canvas and took out his oils. All thoughts of being someone else faded and all that exsisted was her. He could feel her with him, caressing him and her sadness of being forced into their present situation.
Without thinking, without planning, he chose a brush and started painting. He lost himself in her beauty, in the recreating of her body and catching her true essence in the process. Wine reds and creamy whites played in the background, creating a rich vibrant enviroment for her. Adorning her body was the only colour worthy of her. Royal Blue.
It had taken him nearly three days but he was done. Her beauty and compassion poured out of the canvas and it might have been a trick of the light, but he could've sworn he saw love in those eyes. Sighing he wrapped it up and when the couriers came, nearly cried when it disappeared from view
The Centre
Trembling, she opened up the package, knowing that it was from him. Gasping with surprise, she stood back to capture it's full effect. It was a portrait of her in a large hall, wearing a beautifull satin dress and looking in adoration at the gazer of the portrait. But what had made her gasp was the observer in the painting. Standing slightly behind her but blurry enough not to be identified. She smiled, knowing from who it was and glanced at the bottom for his familiar scrawl.
Amour Vincit Omnias - love, J
Love conquers all, and with that thought she went home.
The End
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters and settings are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. No money is being made from this work. No copyright infringement is intended.