Oh, wow! Hurray. I'm doing the seated happy dance. Looks like I'm doing nasty things to my chair probably. Idgaf about that tho. Damnnnnn girl! This is awesome. Heart shattering. I'm kind of like moving around in the shards now.
Jarod and Parker discovered at the same time that it was their child, and then immediately learned he was dead. Jarod's denial is real. The primal paternal need is real. He'd rather Parker be nuts than his child be dead and that's on point and dead spot on. We know how Jarod is about family and about children.
It was a stroke of gotdern genius to use her inner sense, prenomitions, and ability to see and chat with the dead to discover the truth. It was PURE genius to have Catherine lead her daughter to the people she knew that Parker would need during the grief.
I'm so totally freaking blown away right now.
Oh, and Ian. Oh, my god he IS young Jarod. Innocent. Sweet.
You are brilliant.
Reviewer: Sammi Signed

Date: 20/11/24 09:49 pm
Oomph. My heart. This is plausible and exquisitely written, and that makes it all the more painful. Parker is someone who is used to being alone. You seem to understand that and the difficulties it presents. I'm glad you're continuing to explorie her vulnerabilities and this inner sense stuff. I would like to see some reason and some resolve for the prenomintions she had in TP2001 and the inner sense she had briefly in TP2001 and for seeing Thomas, Faith, and Angel in IOTH. It must be difficult to write her. You take great care in portraying her and all of the characters accurately. You excel at finding a balance. I love the continuity, her fear of being crazy, like her mother who she once called weak during the series and "off the deep end" in one episode. I love Ian's reaction upon meeting Miss P. That innocence, his truth. His heart is on his sleeve. This is still bang on bloody awesome and I can't wait to read the rest of it. More please?
The characters are all on point. I'm curious about how you'll continue to write Jarod's family and the living arrangements. So far you've written that aspect differently compared to others. As I've said before they don't all happily reside in one house when you write them. That's plausible, bang on realistic.

Date: 19/11/24 10:35 pm
That was devastating! I'm hoping this story has nowhere to go but up. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Reviewer: Wendith Signed [Report This]Date: 16/11/24 04:48 am
That took away my breath Mirage.
Hope really is a cruel thing sometimes.
Yes, the grief is crippling. You write is so beautifully and insist that I feel it while reading.
The plausibility of this is striking. I think I still feel so shattered right now because I feel like I just experienced it first hand.
This story could easily be the next movie or episode. I say that about all of your stories I know and it's true.
It makes so much sense in Pretenderverse canon that Parker would make the turn and do the right thing and rescue her brother at her mother's behest only to discover that he's dead.
Miss Parker always gets the rug snatched out from under her. That is canon. Happiness is going to be something she has to fight for.
I hope Jarod will fight WITH her.
This is stunning work. Startling, painful, beautiful, magical work.
Thank you.
It's always a pleasure to read you.
More please?
Reviewer: Con-O Signed

Date: 13/11/24 09:22 pm
Powerful! ’ My god but your ability to plunge me into the scenes is beyond amazing. You're working 🪄 magic.. there's an old song" you can do magic 🪄 ✨ you know damn well when you cast your spell 🪄 ✨ 🪄 ✨ ✨ " and damn here I am under your spell.
You kids these days RULE.
The plausibility is present and accounted for ”️
Characters in character ”️
Dialogue ”️
Seamless transition work ”️
Descriptive work ”️
Storytelling ”️
Plotting ”️
I need more ”️
Reviewer: richie Signed

Date: 12/11/24 11:31 pm
That was devastating! I'm hoping this story has nowhere to go but up. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Reviewer: Wendith Signed [Report This]Date: 07/11/24 10:22 pm
Oh I love this. Eloquently written and really raw too. I find this profound and succinct.
I will be reading and reviewing more of you .
I'm really upset about election results in the US and will escape with your fiction. I don't know how to get myself regulated mentally again but you are helping. You pull me in and I think only of the story you illustrate.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤️
Reviewer: lisa Signed

Date: 06/11/24 07:12 pm
Uumfph. Shot through the heart and YOU'RE to blame! Umfph. Mirage. You killed a little...... acktwually I don't care. I had pretty much writtten the kid off the moment Raines started tinkering around with him. Either he would die or have life long trauma and become another Lyle or Alex and Parker or Jarod would have to put him down or Lyle would end killing him to hurt Parker and Jarod.
That's how it goes in The Pretender.
I hope to see them continue to grieve and I hope they pair up and rain hell down on the guilty parites. This is the turning point.
Beautifully written. Action packed. You've got my attention. You're one of the few authors who can hold my attention.
I think your auto correct added too many e's to scrooge dude's name but we know who you maen and Parker does have a way of holding the syllable for a moment. No biggie. I kind of giggled thinking of you calling yourself the queen of typos and I finally saw a typo. Finally. lol. A cute little one.
Don't worry about that. Just write. You rule!
More please?
Reviewer: Renea Collins Signed

Date: 05/11/24 09:25 pm
A new story from Mirage yes please! I'm so here for it, Mirage.
Boom! This is GOLD from the first word. Emptiness. Jarod and Parker talked about emptiness in Carthis. This seems to pick up at the exact point where we were rudely abandoned.
Thank YOU!
Jarod is SO Jarod.
Parker is SO Parker.
Broots is so Broots.
I love it.
I want more.
Reviewer: Renea Collins Signed

Date: 05/11/24 09:15 pm
Oh my Goddesses!
I have election anxiety even though I'm not in the United States. Fingers crossed that Harris wins by a (cue Stevie Nicks) Landside...
The US doesn't need a rapist in the white house. They already TWO rapists on the Supreme Court. What is it about the US and rapists? They LOVE Them some rapists.
yeah so anyhoo!
I'm glad you don't have to worry about that... well then again being a victim of the rapist's foreign policies will suck. Poor Palestine and Ukraine aren't going to exist anymore if the rapist...
NO. I won't put that in the universe.
I hope you're ok. I don't know where in the world you are but I hope you're well.
I love this story. I love all of them and will be reading everything here tonight. If you have recommendations hit me with them please. Do you recommend your Circles of Hell or Forces of Nature? Where should I begin again?
I need to lose myself in reading for a few days until it's clear that there was a BLUE Landside tsunami wave.
I wish you would update constantly.
Reviewer: Joni Signed

Date: 05/11/24 03:19 am
Sending me here is one of the kindest things Jami has ever done for me. This has been a treat.
All treat and no trick, Mirage.
I'm intrigued and eager to read more.
Reviewer: Mr PezHead Signed

Date: 04/11/24 09:06 pm
So much excitement. Really painful chapter but I trust you to do right by them...you always have.
Mad respect!
Thank you
Reviewer: lisa Signed

Date: 04/11/24 06:03 am
Pretender perfect!
No kids to get in the way.
I want more!
Reviewer: TheDarkAngel Signed

Date: 03/11/24 07:39 pm
🌹🌹 🌹 🌹 Bravo Mirage! ‘ 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Sorrowful and beautiful.
I think Jarod is growing on you.
I foresee them becoming closer. I walk with you wherever you lead.
More please?
Until next time,
Reviewer: Michael Signed

Date: 03/11/24 01:41 am
Umph. Damn, that hurts. Beautiful but oh so painful.
Poignant and evocative.
I love your writing.
It breaks my heart. Miss Parker is experiencing an enormous amount of reflection and remorse I think ” and it's the kind that leads to change I hope.
I'm eager for more — and feeling hopeful 😁 they'll work it all out.
Congratulations and enormous thanks! 🙏
Reviewer: Lacy Signed

Date: 02/11/24 02:51 am
Stunning, stunning, impressive writing as always.
You leave me craving more.
Reviewer: The Miss Parker Signed

Date: 01/11/24 09:57 pm
You never kill without a reason so I hope this will be the reason Parker smokes the Centre for good.
I decided when Broots said, "has anyone seen that little kid" that the boy is dead. He has health problems. This is extremely plausible. It's beautiful and painful.
Please let them be together. They deserve it.
I love this.
Reviewer: Leslie Signed

Date: 01/11/24 09:17 pm
Oh my goodness 😯😢 😭
and oh my goodness 😂 😁 😀
and oh my goodness 🤯😍 😳 🤣
but not in that order
You speak to all of the emotions and senses and I love it.
Please never stop writing 🙏 🙏 🙏
Thank you.
Reviewer: valerie_ Signed

Date: 01/11/24 08:41 pm
Oh 😱 😯 this went painful really subtly, so I could see the sky darkening before the lightning ⚡ strike. You were really gentle about it and genius!
I love the nice transition from light with some clouds to full storm and flooding pain.
The Halloween feels are present.
Such a gift 🎁 🎁 🎁 to be able to read you Mirage.
I'm thankful 🥰 🥰 🥰.
More please?
Reviewer: Christoph Signed

Date: 01/11/24 07:49 pm
Exceptional as always.
You yank my hand and I'm glad you're holding my hand because that was scary and tragic. I was sad for the kid.
I'm excited for more.
Reviewer: Jarod Signed

Date: 31/10/24 10:22 pm
Breaking me heart.
I feel so bad for Jarod and Parker.
I love your writing.
Your voice is powerful and so wonderful.
I want more and more.
Please? 🙏
Reviewer: Leese Signed

Date: 31/10/24 09:36 pm
Welp. I didn't expect this but I should have. The foreshadowing was strong with this one. We never knew the boy and it's hard to miss him. For me. I know his parents beg to differ
And honestly I'm totally desensitized after so many school shootings.
Il love this fic.
I hope this brings the pair closer.
I know they will hurt for a while.
I want more!

Date: 31/10/24 05:41 am
Ok and I thought chapter 1 was kind of tragic. Pope on a Rope!
THIS is tragic. So very completely tragic.
But it started out as normal as any scene with Jarod and Miss Parker possibly could.
lol that ain't saying a lot but you know what i mean.
Her saying, "I know THAT look" when she told him about communicating with ghosts.
Jarod still being freaked out that he has a clone that looks and is bascially him.
That was hilarious.
And the clone. My GOD! Ian. He is too precious. I love his "I'm really nervous." So like Jarod. So honest and sweet.
You liked young Jarod better didn't you
didn't you didn't you??
Anyhoo. I love this.
Tragic but that's realistic.
Please write more soon. I need more of you in my life.
Thank you for this too. Don't think I don't appreciate all that you've given and take it for granted BUT know that I still want more. and more and more and more.
I love you!!
Reviewer: April L Signed

Date: 31/10/24 04:10 am
Whoa this is fantastic and it's fantragic. I didn't see this coming.
I'm shook. I love it anyway just took me a sec to process that one.
I need to know what happens now. I can't imagine where you'll take me next. I'm willing to go with you for real. Take me along. I'm down for it. You're one of those authors that keep my attention and keep me wondering for a while. You're right up there with the creators of the series. I've been waiting for their next update for 20 years or more. I'll be here ok? Take your time.
I'm just going nuts waiting. But seriously please continue. I love your writing. You know how to weave them.
Reviewer: Rebecka Signed

Date: 31/10/24 02:55 am
Oooooohhh nooooo. This chapter truly was an experience that touched all of the senses, including extreme sadness. I feel it all so much. I need more. Now. You're so addicting.
More please?
Reviewer: Angela Penn Signed

Date: 31/10/24 02:09 am