Reviews For Lacunae
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Title: Chapter 12

So freaking addicting!

SO many shipper feels here and omg Stella is beautiful.


Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/08/20 03:02 am
Title: Chapter 12

So much to take apart. I read this twice and I anticipate crazily the next update from you.

Is Parker standing Jarod up or is she gonna dine with him. I can't wait to find out. I love that Parker has a bestie and someone who wants to protect her from stds. Keep keeping it real. I love your writing.

Reviewer: Angela Penn Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/08/20 12:05 am
Title: Chapter 12


More please?

Reviewer: Amelia Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/08/20 09:09 pm
Title: Chapter 12

It's fantastic to have you back. I hope you're well and happy.

Impressive writing as always Mirage.

I know that Jeffrey Osbourne tune. I love that Stella would simply begin singing at random. I know a couple of women who break into song in the middle of a conversation. They are the best people. Stella's a good spirit and more than just a supportive role. She steals the show really and fits with the established characters. More when you're able please. I'll be waiting.

Reviewer: Michael Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/08/20 06:02 am
Title: Chapter 12

Parker asking Stella if she really looked as not ok as Jarod had her believing she did is the most Parker thing ever. She had to make sure she looked ok. I like that Stella speaks haitian and I love everything about Stella. She is the best friend we all need right now. Thank you for this. I know things are super nuts and there's a pandemic. You manage to not let any stress show. You really are professional..

"Right, because I always bring along a dental dam when I break into someone's house, y'know, on the off chance they're home, and maybe down for a little mid-morning cunnilingus." lol Love that.

I also love that Parker admits that the only problem with Jarod is that he's Jarod. Stella nailed it again. More please.

Reviewer: Chloe Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/08/20 05:18 am
Title: Chapter 5


That's all I got.

I could copy and paste the entire story I bet to show all of the parts I love. I'll spare you all of that reading. You worked so hard writing this I can tell it's so professional.

Need more. But I have to sleep or I'll get fired.

Reviewer: Jameason Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/08/20 04:37 am
Title: Chapter 4

You excel at every aspect of writing, including children and children is where most authors lose me because most people think kids are just dumb.  You give them personalities that I fall in love with. I love their snark.

More tension. There was a lot of tension on the show and between Jaord and MP so yeah, makes sense and I love it.

This part where Parker tells on herself.

"Avery's a rather obstinate child, but polite and intelligent," said Jarod with an amicable smile. "She reminds me of you at that age. Eli reminds me of you, too," added Jarod tersely, his smile vanishing. "He's distrustful, guarded, suspicious of questions."

"It's not too late to walk away, Jarod, before this becomes complicated, and be remembered fondly as a family friend who came to dinner. Full disclosure: they aren't always this well-behaved. You don't have a monopoly on pretending, artfulness, acting charming."

Jarod gazed steadily and silently at Parker, absorbing her words with an inscrutable expression, detecting nuances of chicanery, deducing that the developing amicable rapport was feigned. Reestablishing credibility and communication, he realized, would be challenging. "What," she demanded in apparent perturbation, her eyes wide and fierce.

"You're trying to frighten me away."

and all of this too

"Someone else, you mean?" Jarod asked pointedly, dropping his voice to a hush, deliberately enunciating her name. "I'm sorry that I hurt you," he asserted, categorically accepting the responsibility evidently assigned to him, "for whatever my apology is worth."

Parker scoffed her incredulity. "I'm perfectly capable of saying precisely what I mean," she snarled at him. "For all the good it does," she added hotly. "That isn't my name."

"Nevertheless," Jarod said, maintaining a placid, soft tone, observing as Parker opened a drawer, shuffled its contents. "It would have hurt you a lot more had I stayed after Glasgow, after clarifying my feelings when, clearly, you didn't reciprocate."

"I'm not doing this," insisted Parker, slamming a cabinet closed.

"No," agreed Jarod, the passivity and softness in his voice bizarre if not incongruous, considering the implied audacity. "I am. Each time I considered returning, I remembered the tears in your voice, your eyes, and those words." Just forget. "I believed I was only capable of causing you pain and, apparently, I wasn't wrong."

"Heaven forbid," snarled Parker, bordering contentious.

Heaven forbid Jarod ever be wrong about anything. I get you. I love it.
You are magic. I'm under the spell definitely.
so eloquent, too

Reviewer: Jameason Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/08/20 04:33 am
Title: Chapter 3

OH. MY. GOD!!! Eli is .... oh my god!!


How am I supposed to be able to think now?

The tension is palpable.

"Parker reeled back in surprise and asked in a low, throaty voice, "What else did Angelo tell you?"

"A hell of lot more than you're telling me," returned Jarod fiercely. "Answer the question."

and Parker wants to kill the tension, will do anything to stop the tension

"This conversation is over."

Jarod offered her a sympathetic smile. "I know you want it to be over. I know you do," he said softly, his brow creasing. "Don't," implored Jarod when Parker's lips parted, shaking his head. "Don't beg me to leave. I don't want to be the villain, compared or conflated with Lyle. I don't want to coerce you to do anything."

He's so understanding but he's still so much an asshole for leaving but he had to leave but oh...  you know what you're doing. You do it expertly. Ive never been so unable to walk away from a novel/book/story. I can't put this down.

Reviewer: Jameason Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/08/20 04:28 am
Title: Chapter 2

"He was my only family," said Parker sorrowfully and with a sudden stridency in her voice that was as startling as it was troubling.

"He still is your family," reminded Jarod gently. "Look, I was hoping-"

Ohh god. I can't even.

Mind blown. Heart broken. They hurt so much. They hope so much.

The characters ... ARE the characters. You write them pretender perfectly. You think up the most intriguing stories. This chapter is poignant. The pain is profound. You write with clarity. I can't say enough. Because I'm not a writer.

I will always come back to you. Thank you for writing, for being prolific and for keeping the fandom alive.

Reviewer: Jameason Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/08/20 04:24 am
Title: Chapter 1

I've been away too long. Am loving this. Mind blown.

Reviewer: Jameason Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/08/20 04:20 am
Title: Chapter 12

I need more of this right now. Thank you for not making this chapter chick flicky. They talk like women not school girls and I love that. Stella cares that her friend is protecting herself with protection. That is awesome. It's perfect and they are all real and the characters are all fleshed out and just like I remember them. I like how candid everyone is and no one's being full of sh!t. I know it's called the Pretender but I don't like posers and pretenders. What can I say? This is refreshing as hell. Thank you for Stella too. She is briliant. I hope you'll show the dinner Parker and Jarod have and not leave that part out. I want to see how they progress. I don't think it'll be easy. How could it be?

Reviewer: Michele Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/08/20 05:43 am
Title: Chapter 12


How are you?

It's been a bit of a day and I chanced coming to this site in case you had updated a story. I'm thankful that you did.

This was hilarious! Stella is a great character!

As always thank you for keeping Miss Parker and Jared alive!


Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 17/08/20 12:44 am
Title: Chapter 12

Parker's remark about dental dams lol. I love that you keep it real and keep them in character and have comedy in this but you also talk about condons and dental dams and revelant info that needs to be openly discussed with no taboo or shame. I can't stop you. I'm so addicted. I will always return to you forever. The stories are all top notch and this one keeps getting better and better.


I'm so addicted.

More please?

Reviewer: Christoph Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/08/20 10:54 pm
Title: Chapter 12

Stella rules! I love her. She dazzles seriously and brings so much to these characters I know and love. How empowering that Miss Parker says she doesn't regret anything. But yeah, she's going to feel a little weird about sex with Jarod after that whole lifetime of not touching him thing that is really hard to ignore and she was trained not to touch him.... ummmm except to tie his hot a$$ up and take him back to the centre so yeah. I know you think Jarod is hot right? Winks. I'm kidding. He can be annoying I guess so yeah point to you Mirage. Did he say 'trust me' too many times? Or was the "believe me" thing? Trump does the 'believe" me thing so I can see the problem there. But you still know Jarod is a good guy right?  Anyhoo You nailed all the complexities and still left Stella a sympathetic friend who has MP's back no matter what. Unconditional love... oh I love that. I wish there was more of that. MP calling Stella Boomer and the entire conversation.. hello kitty socks. I love all of it. You Rule.

Reviewer: Melinda Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 16/08/20 08:06 pm
Title: Chapter 12

MORE! OMG I love stella!!! will give more of a review when I'm not on a loud train but you took  my mind off the noisee and crowd for a while. THank you.

Reviewer: Jen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/08/20 07:57 pm
Title: Chapter 11

I will never get over Jarod's how is your cervix? Mouth on floor moment to end all moments.

Author's Response:

Ha. You'll never get over it?

My. Poor. Brain. 

Reviewer: needlepoint Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/04/20 09:42 pm
Title: Chapter 11

Ah, Mirage how I love your stories. You keep The Pretender alive for me and I am eternally grateful!

I love the way you write the characters especially Miss Parker and Jarod.

more More MORE!

(please and thank you!)

Author's Response:

Thank you for reading and reviewing, Twisted. I appreciate the feedback- and wow, you are too kind. There will be more.

Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 12/11/19 10:32 pm
Title: Chapter 11

It means so much to me that you're keeping the original series and the characters I love so dear alive. You write beautiful and so professionnelle. 

Merci Mirage!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much, MlleParker.

Reviewer: MlleParker Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/11/19 09:51 pm
Title: Chapter 11

Exquisite as always. It's a pleasure to read you.

Author's Response:

Thank you, Brian.

Reviewer: Brian Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/11/19 08:00 pm
Title: Chapter 11

More of this please? Don't get me wrong. I love the dark Jarod stories but this is amazing. Just when I began to wonder if you could only write dark stories you surprise me with this. I know you've written a few other more normal stories. I guess you've really only written two or three really dark stories. It seems like more sometimes tho. Excuse my rambling. Jetlag. This is amazing. That's all I wanted to say. I'm going to lie down now.

Author's Response:

Ah, yes, haha, I get this A LOT. I've scribbled more not-entirely-the-King-of-hellJarod fics than spawn-of-SatanJarod fics. His baseline is rather dark, however. This is a man that stole an organ from a convict who was minding own business serving his time in prison prior to being broken out of prison-- which is a felony. Jarod committed a host of felonies in that one episode alone. This is a dark series and I do tend to scribble dark fic.

No worries though. I hope you had a nice rest.

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: shauna Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/11/19 01:45 am
Title: Chapter 11

"remind me not to put you on speaker phone: lol. Jarod is so funny and Parker's deadpan responses are funny. I like how she don't act shook at all by anything he says. She's all you can talk while eat. I'm glad they're gonna have dinner. Finally. The characters are all perfect the things they say are brilliant. It's like watching the series all over again. Thank you for that. Congrats on this.

Author's Response:

Thank you for reading and reviewing, Con-0.

Reviewer: Con-O Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/11/19 11:48 pm
Title: Chapter 11

Keep it on Mirage. I can never get my fill of your writing.

Author's Response:

Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: Archange Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/11/19 11:37 pm
Title: Chapter 11

Ooh oh! I love this. Hit me right in the freaking feels Mirage.


Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/11/19 06:34 am
Title: Chapter 11

That's my favourite Chopin piece and it's so orgasmic and so fitting for Jarod. I love how you modernize my favourite series and my favourite characters. You write them HOW they are and I can see them and I love it. Please keep keeping them alive for me. You're everything Mirage. This is everything. I love you bunches.

Reviewer: The Miss Parker Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/11/19 11:35 pm
Title: Chapter 11

Your work is SO addicting. It takes alot to keep my attention but you have all of my attention. Please update soon.

Reviewer: Rachael Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/11/19 03:10 am
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