Reviews For Darkness Falling
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Title: Chapter 4

lol Miss Parker with no air conditioning. This is so like her. She's kind of spoiled but we love her anyway. All the warmth of a blizzard. That's my Miss Parker but only because the dude was hitting on her.

Reviewer: d_el1 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/10/19 08:06 pm
Title: Chapter 4

lol Miss Parker with no air conditioning. This is so like her. She's kind of spoiled but we love her anyway. All the warmth of a blizzard. That's my Miss Parker but only because the dude was hitting on her.

Reviewer: d_el1 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/10/19 07:59 pm
Title: Chapter 3

This is what I love about reading you. It's so visual and I can see Jarod and hear him...I can see Michael T. Weiss when you write him and that's who Jarod is for me and like him or don't like him you gotta admit no one else can be Jarod like Michael can and I can tell it's who you're writing about. You got his inflections and voice and body language and boyish charm and mannerisms and... and everything down to a T right down his middle initial girlfriend. I can see every character clear. You transport me INTO the story. I love the story too.  Do you watch The Profiler too? You nail Rachel. I love Jamie Luner and so.. yeah, you nail them all. How the heck do you do that? Whateverz keep doing it.

Reviewer: d_el1 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/10/19 07:53 pm
Title: Chapter 2

So ok I love the way this chapter begins with business as usual at the Centre and thn we find out what happens behind the scenes with Broots and Miss Parker hanging out and having dinner. I love the shoutout to Thomas. No shrimp and no Asian foods. Awwww. She loved Thomas so yeah this is perrfect. I also love love love freaking love that Jarod and Broots have devised a little get away plan behind Miss Parker's back should things go the wrong at the Centre. Cox's powerplay, his appearing is a shoutout to Centre technology. They've come a long way. It's awesome. SO much techy stuff. You must do ALOT of research for this. It seems like so much effort and I appreciate it. You keep these characters and this little show alive. Thank you for that.

Reviewer: d_el1 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/10/19 07:40 pm
Title: Chapter 1

Ohhh wow. Powerful writing Mirage. Your original characters make a hell of an entrance. I love them already.

Reviewer: d_el1 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/10/19 07:26 pm
Title: Chapter 24

But but... but... they were just having sex and everything was ok.. oh, Mirage you give and you give and then you snatch it all back away from us.

Uhhhhuh!! But the way you write it all blows my freaking mind. Your prose is beautiful and lyrical. You REALLY know the characters and you do your magic and weave your spell and I'm freaking impressed. Top notch always. I dare to ask for more.

Reviewer: Jillian Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/10/19 03:18 am
Title: Chapter 24

Oh no! I want everyone to be ok. Please make it so. I LOVE your writing Mirage. More more more!!

Reviewer: Mary Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/10/19 02:34 am
Title: Chapter 24

More. OMG I hope everyone is ok. Need more.

Reviewer: Shay Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/10/19 09:24 pm
Title: Chapter 24

LOVE your writing style, your narrative voice. You are the best! More please?

Reviewer: Melissa Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/10/19 03:04 am
Title: Chapter 24

Ooh oho. Jarod nailed it. The way Parker tries to distance herself from emotions cos she doesn't want to feel them. You nailed them both.  You let Jarod be Jarod and you let Parker be Parker and oh oohhhh you do it so freaking well. Girl you're a professional. I want more. NOW.


Reviewer: Kayla Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/10/19 01:01 am
Title: Chapter 24

Bravo! Your writing is consistently brilliant and I don't know how you manage to achieve quality and quantity while juggling several different stories.It seems like one of those two things would suffer but you are the master of the craft.. or mistress.

This is action packed but still emotional. The series wasn't always action packed but there was always the heavy emotional quality that really made The Pretender what is was and as successful as it was and you picked up the torch and you continue that legacy. I'm not sure how you achieve those two in perfect amounts but you do it.

You instilled a sense of urgency and danger.. an insidiousness in this chapter that sort of makes me dread continuing. I know something is going to happen but I don't know what or to who or when or how or whether there will be a death. But even if death awaits them Jarod and Parker must go there and can't wait for back up in the way of police and FBI. Jarod's mentor, his superego essentially is in the Centre and in danger and we know how Parker protects Broots. I love that you don't make changes to the interpersonal relationships and dynamics. Some people fuss too much or write these characters in the image of someone they know.. but you leave them as they are and write them just as they were on the series. I love that.

You never disappoint Mirage. I await the next chapter. Just keep doing what you're doing please.

Reviewer: Michael Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/10/19 08:28 pm
Title: Chapter 24

Trigger warning... lol. Thank you for that dear. Exquisite as always Mirage. What else is there to say? More please?

Reviewer: Melinda Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/10/19 08:56 pm
Title: Chapter 24

Amazing. I love your work. So intense and beautiful. I'm on the edge of my seat in fear here. You won't kill Miss Parker off? Please don't. I want them to all be safe and well. So much drama and suspense. I'm so scared! I thank you for keeping these characters I love so much alive over the years. You keep The Pretender and the dream alive.

I also thank you so much for your reply to my review with the pez pancakes and spamlettes... your recipes and comedy were GOLD. I laughed so much. I printed out what you typed and I look over it and laugh some more. I love your review replies. You're a beautiful soul and so sweet. I did what you said exactly and followed your instructions and added pez dust (not by crushing the pez under a car tire) I did it the Ocee way and I embraced my inner sociopath and smiled a lot like Jarod does. Thank you for everything.

Reviewer: Archange Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/10/19 06:25 pm
Title: Chapter 24

no time to log in. just wanted to say I love this you went hard with the drama and suspence. keep it coming. I'm addicted.

Reviewer: James Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/10/19 02:13 am
Title: Chapter 24

Oh, my God. HELL of a cliff hanger. Thanks for the warning. Yikes. Jarod with a scalpel. Beer fortifies me. Thanks for keeping them all live.

Reviewer: Chloe Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/10/19 01:43 am
Title: Chapter 24

I'm forever amazed by how well you've mastered the craft of writing. Your sentence construction and scene transitions areeloquent and succinct. You also know the characters and where to put them and how to write them and put the reader in the scene. The drama is wild. I hope everyone gets out of this alive. Thank you for writing and updating.

Reviewer: Amelia Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/10/19 01:02 am
Title: Chapter 24

Oh holy mother of sex and candy I beg you for more. There's nothing can be said that hasn't been said. You are the queen! I just need more.

Reviewer: TheDarkAngel Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/10/19 12:50 am
Title: Chapter 24

I need more of this in my life girl. Like right now. Love it. I love how Jarod wants Parker to leave with Sydney and he thought she was leaving. He's gonna be so totally pissed when he finds out she's still in danger. OMG. Perfect. Pretender perfect.

Reviewer: Lorraina Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 05/10/19 12:20 am
Title: Chapter 24

I read the trigger warning and nearly coated my phone with coffee lol. Hilarious. He can be a little cringeworthy tho. I think Michael T. Weiss knew what he was doing as an actor and I think he did it on purpose. SO yeah I can appreciate a warning. I feel hard for Broots. He's a total bad ass here but it's all for Debbie and that's so plausible. What's this about Jarod not being prepared to lose her? Foreshadowing? Mirage pleaze don't kill Parker off. Professionally written as always and I read in awe like always. The characters are... the characters I know and love my Pretender dvds. You write them exactly on point. You put them where they should be and move them correctly and it's really visual and stunning. A lot of drama in this. Evil cliff hanger. You are the best. Thanks for sharing your talents and skills with us.

Reviewer: Jen Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04/10/19 07:19 pm
Title: Chapter 23

Ohhhh I love this! I hope you'll continue. You write them so well.

Author's Response:

Thank you, Carrie. You're so kind.

Reviewer: Carrie Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/05/19 01:12 am
Title: Chapter 23

Pez pancakes and spam omelets lol. Jarod WOULD do that. I love everything about your writing. Characters dialogue plotting descriptions all of it and the way they are and you have that certain thing that makes a writer a writer and damn you're amazing. I always love how you take something from the show and expand on it. Jarod's pez and spam love is just one example. Yes he would find a way to incorporate pez into everything else and I'm tempted to try them out so if you've got suggestions on how to make pez pancakes and spam omelets do let me know. I love pez. I love this story. More please? Oohh it has to be Jarod Miss Parker had sex with. Please!!!

Author's Response:
I confess: I dislike pez. Disclaimer: I haven't tried pez since third grade; considering my childhood summer love affairs with warheads,  airheads, sour jelly bellys and hot & spicy cinnamon-everything it's possible my tastebuds were annihilated and had no chance of ever being properly caliberated to enjoy pez.
Also, I know nothing about spam.
That said, my Muses recklessly, tastelessly conjured pezcakes and spamelets and therefore I'm obligated to induldge you.

For pezcakes I suggest a basic 'light and fluffy pancake' recipe (and maybe bear in mind that pez are godawful sweet; reduce or omit the amount of sweetener the recipe you choose demands).

Add to the recipe list:
*Unknown ounces of pez dust
*Unknown number of intact pez to garnish (if. you. must.)
Pez dust seems practical (unless you want textural, potentially painful, tooth-shattering contrast--and if you do, add pez intact- whatever; they are your pezcakes and like Jarod, you are the boss (shh, don't tell Parker). If you choose dust, note: Jarod would crush the pez to death beneath a car tire; he has quite the flair for the dramatic, mm.

But you can be civilized and use a mortor & pestle (like Ocee) or a hammer, etc.
Angrily shout, "didn't you, didn't you, didn't you?" at the dying pez.
These are Jarod-inspired, after all; you get to be an intelligent, sociopathic terrorist with a bitch of a temper and a homicidal glare that I'm still not convinced Miss Parker survived. For all we know the remainder of Carthis was Miss Parker's fade-to-black, impending-death nightmare (yes, death by Jarod's dagger -glare-- and why wouldn't she imagine herself nearly kissing him in a doped-tea-bliss stupor?).

You have the option of stirring pez dust into the batter for a 60s (or was it 70s?) (I wasn't alive back then so I can't say with certainty) tye-dye design. You can even design a cute rainbow pride pezcake. Or do both. Jarod probably would. Because he's scary and crazy and if he's returned to the Centre, then, by God, he's going to have a host of health and teeth issues (to keep his abandoment issues company) when he gets there.

Be certain to torment the people you feel most, ahem, "connected" to while preparing pezcakes. Feel the Jarod flow through you and embrace your inner sociopath; sociopaths, after all, need love, too (this isn't a Samantha Fox tune).

Garnish and serve with what ever the hell you want. Because you are Jarod; do what tastes good and feels right----
--what feels right but is probably so wrong; such as: consider sharing pezcakes with someone you love, loathe, and pretend to fear; ask that person to wear a bathrobe--no clothes equals no weapon--but only if you have a fireplace;
if they're reluctant to accept the pezcake, execute the patent 'Jarod head-dip and stern-expresssion combo' that will compel them to accept the pezcake (you are permitted to view IOTH prior to preparing your pezcakes to refamiliarize yourself with aforementioned Jarod combo- which sounds like something Jarod would order from a stop & rob and swallow in three bites: 'one Jarod combo coming right up, shuuug').
Speaking of wrong. Spamelet (I'm probably going to hell for this).
I don't know what spam is but you should ensure it's fully cooked and diced-- and then set it aside to ponder the meaning of life, berate itself for existing, plot vengeance on its creator and cool. Grin eagerly at the spam occasionally.
If you're not familiar with omlets, google 'omelette aux fines herbes' and proceed with childlike anticipation and glee; after all, you're a genius and you're free at the moment and you can do anything, be, literally, anything, and have anything your heart desires (all of which raises the question: why the hell are you eating spam?) (you're not going to ponder this now; think of it later--- when you've been recaptured and are crestfallen and staring with disdain at your bowl of optimized nutritional supplement).
When the recipe commands you to sprinkle herbs and guyrere (or what ever kind of cheese you like) go ahead and sprinkle the spam in, too---- if you dare--- and continue with the recipe.
After plating, drizzle garlic-hot pepper sauce- spamlets will probably love that stuff and Jarod would do it (proving that he does have some standards, after all) (you can omit the hot pepper sauce if you're anti spicy-stuff-that-makes-food-edible).
Eat with gusto, grin entirely too much. Be careful, however. Jarod is obviously overcompensating with food-- as a coping mechanism, perhaps trying to fill the emptiness with food (let's be thankful that he never discovered bourbon).

And thank you for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: Archange Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/05/19 09:56 pm
Title: Chapter 23

You used to scare me away with Forces of Nature and now I'm older I see that FON is a plausible fic and you did a good thing writing it. But I still love this so much more and damn girl the sex scenes you write are smoking hot. You're the best bar none. I want to read more of this and never want it to end.

Author's Response:

I don't know if it's plausible. It's a story that invaded my poor mind (I'm an innocent bystander). This will end. Soon, I hope. Thanks for reading and reviewing.

Reviewer: TP4ever Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/05/19 11:47 pm
Title: Chapter 23

More of this please? Sugar on top? I hope it's Jarod that Miss Parker was making love to.

I love that you make me feel I'm watching an episode. All the feels are back when I read you. Thanks for sharing.

Reviewer: Melissa R Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/05/19 06:55 pm
Title: Chapter 23

More please?! I love this.

Reviewer: Jillian Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/05/19 05:12 am
Title: Chapter 23

Girl you are ROCK STAR! I'm still around. I lost my password and can't remember the old email I had when I joined because I was going thru some shite at the time omg but you are still here and you are still kicking ass just like Miss Parker is fixing to kick this clone Jarod's ass if she finds out he wasn't really Jarod and I'm not even gonna blame her. That would be rape right because she consented to sex with Jarod not some clone like you wrote in your notes at the end of the chapter before last right? So yeah and I appreciate you clarifying that stuff for us. With a pussy grabber up in the white house and two rapists on the supremely injust court and roy moore fixing to run again with his child molesting self you gotta clarify this shite for the incel infidels. SO keep on. And keep writing. I'll be here reading. Keep rocking the writing! I love it. 

Reviewer: Pretenderoxx Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/05/19 03:56 am
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