The symmetry in this was absolutely sublime and heartbreaking. Can just imagine the entirety of this story unfolding. So beautifully captured.
Reviewer: jacci Signed [Report This]Date: 20/08/22 12:57 am
Poignant and so succinct. I like to Jarod was ordered by the court to testify and on the stand he had no choice but to tell the truth because of his sense of justice. I need to read more short fics. There's a wealth of entertainment and intrigue.
Reviewer: Jeremy Signed [Report This]Date: 02/05/20 04:33 am
I love this so much. I can't say it enough Mirage.
Reviewer: Jen Signed [Report This]Date: 23/01/15 05:15 am
Short stories, full books, and poetry. There is nothing you can't do. I love your style and your crafting of the characters and plot. This was a difficult story that needed to be told and you do everything well. Dialog, plot, characters, descriptive work. Every facet of writing perfected. Intriguing as always Mirage.
Author's Response:
Thanks, Archange. There's plenty that I can't do. Drawing- not even a straight line EVEN if I use a ruler. I'm serious. Writing- we should call it random scribblings. I'm no writer. I appreciate that you think I am, however.
Reviewer: Archange Signed [Report This]Date: 20/09/14 11:52 pm
Breath taking! I'm going to disagree with some of the reviewers and say you shouldn't write for or with Craig and Steven. You are better than that. I know your muse wants you to write these characters, you can do that, but make changes when the muse isn't looking. You could write your own series if you want to. You are brilliant. There's a bigger world than this tiny fandom..... maybe you could do both because I'm craving your updates and I haven't even read all of your fics yet.
Author's Response:
Aw, thanks. I'm really glad you liked it. You are correct for the most part. Except: I'm not brilliant. Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Reviewer: Miss Shannon Anonymous [Report This]Date: 20/09/14 06:30 pm
What I like best about this is that you conveyed everything without a word spoken between Jarod and Miss Parker! You are genius. Have you emailed or tweeted Steve and Craig with an offer to write? If not you should.
Author's Response:
No, I haven't emailed Craig or Steve. I have no intention of pestering the creators. It's not going to happen. Ever. I'm glad you liked that part of the fic and I appreciate your thoughts. Thanks for reading and reviewing, JarodandParker4ever.
Reviewer: JarodandParker4ever Anonymous [Report This]Date: 13/09/14 12:07 am
Magnificent. There is a purity and rawness in your writing, and this piece in particular is made even more poignant by the shared sorrow expressed by protagonist and antagonist. I'm impressed with your illustrative descriptions, prose that is lyrical and beautiful but not fussy or overdramatized, and the unparalleled character development. You have a profound knowledge of these characters. You know these characters. You have a reputation for spinning the darker tales but you are capable of getting at the heart of the matter. You did that here. This is a beautiful story of forgiveness. Congratulations!
Author's Response:
Thanks, Michael.
Reviewer: Michael Anonymous [Report This]Date: 12/09/14 05:17 am
This is exquisite. Your prose is beautiful and I can't help but be envious of your ability to bring these characters to life. You develop characters that I already know and you do it without dragging it out for a decade. This, like your other works, is profound despite being under 400 words. Nothing from you is a trifle, short or long. Thank you for the contribution. This is another accomplishment to be proud of.
Author's Response:
Oh, please. You aren't envious of my ability. Thank you for the lovely review, Chloe.
Reviewer: Chloe Signed [Report This]Date: 11/09/14 09:26 pm
This was an unexpected treat and a testimony to your versatility and talent. Very gripping tale and poignant too. I love the hand on glass effect and this is their first time as adults. Jarod was desperate to make her stay and wasn't even thinking. The scene comes off the pages and plays before my eyes. How do you do it? It's amazing. There is so much emotional depth in your prose. It's intriguing and beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with us.
Author's Response:
Thank you, Jen. I'm glad you liked this.
Reviewer: Jen Signed [Report This]Date: 11/09/14 01:17 am
Every time I read your work, I sit for a while and I think. I make notes and re-read. I'm in awe. The writing is exquisite, and breathtaking. There are power in these words.
Each of your novels (some are full length novels), novellas and short fiction pieces are original and I say that with the knowledge of how difficult it must be to achieve originality in The Pretender fandom. I don't understand why you are not writing with Craig and Steve. It's only their loss. You can find work anywhere. I've read the previews of Rebirth and Saving Luke and chose not to buy them.
I can't stop myself from making comparisons. I can't buy mediocre novels, certainly not when I can find better editing and writing here. You've surpassed, more than rivaled. These characters and their actions are not words on a page when you write them. You bring Jarod and all of the characters to life.
I feel that I've watched a new episode of The Pretender when I read your work and for that I thank you.
Author's Response:
Thanks, Holly. I can't find work anywhere- but then, I haven't exactly tried. No. No, you aren't comparing the bowels of literature (welcome to fan fic) with published novels? How is that even possible? I apprecaite the sentiment. I do. I value everyone's opinion.
Reviewer: Holly Anonymous [Report This]Date: 08/09/14 08:58 pm
I can only say WOW and don't stop writing. I felt like I was there with them, with my characters with Michael and Andrea. No one fleshes out characters the way you do. I love the fresh dialog and originality. You develop characters we already know and you make them yours. You are the best.
Author's Response:
Thank you, Lorraina. I apprecaite your review.
Reviewer: Lorraina Signed [Report This]Date: 06/09/14 10:57 pm
OMG! I want more...I'll beg!
Author's Response:
Thanks, Shell.
Reviewer: Shell Anonymous [Report This]Date: 06/09/14 03:58 am
I get more out of 300 words from you than full length novels from others. Wow! Mirage this is perfect. I want you to know that you are the reason I keep coming back to this fandom. You always suck me back in! If you ever publish anything you're going to go straight to the top of the best sellers lists and really give some people a run for their money. I'm glad I'm not a writer. I wouldn't want you competing against me. and I'm sorry I didn't log in to review....I'm so lazy. Post more soon please.
Author's Response:
Aw, thank you reading and for the lovely review, Amelia. This isn't perfect. I'm many things; perfect isn't one of them haha. I don't consider it a competition. These are just thoughts that come to me. I'm not a writer. Best seller- mm, well, I guess if I never try, I'll never know. I hope that one I'll have time to truly put some real effort into writing. Until then-
Reviewer: Amelia Anonymous [Report This]Date: 05/09/14 05:24 pm
Genius work! This was a pleasant surprise Mirage and I hope there will be more of them to come. Please update your other fics too.
Author's Response:
Ha. Well thanks, Jarod. I'm not a genius, and I know a few math teachers who can attest to that. I'll try to update soon. Thanks again.
Reviewer: Jarod Anonymous [Report This]Date: 04/09/14 09:30 pm
Amazing job! Thank you for sharing it with us.
Author's Response:
Thank you, Angela, for reading and reviwing.
Reviewer: Angela Anonymous [Report This]Date: 04/09/14 05:45 am
I forgot to rate....
Reviewer: Contessa Signed [Report This]Date: 03/09/14 11:53 pm
Mirage Mirage Mirage oh my God this is amazing. I hope you'll continue. I want the details. How did she get in jail? how long did he leave her there before visiting. Was it really his fault she was arrested and locked away? OH GOD! Can she please get out? You write so it real that I feel that Miss Parker is actually in a jail somewhere and I feel so yucky! Nobody and I mean NOBODY writes the characters in canon the way you do and that's the way it's suppose to be. Thank you for staying true to the characters, to canon fandom and for sharing your talent with your fans. OH and please update who will guard the guards. So dark!
Author's Response:
I have no plans to continue this one, however, the Muse has been known to surprise me (usually abruptly and at two in the morning). I can answer a few of you questions:
1. Jarod's working for DHS or the DOJ and HE personally arrested her (in his defense, she has committed a host of crimes; however, he's committed quite a few as well and the muse is cooking up a Curious George Goes To Jail adventure type series that is sure to be triple x rated. (shower time's a real scream, Jarod!). For the record: I'm completely opposed to indulging such horrors as those befalling poor, super sweet Jarod (*winks*).
2. This was the only time (in- um how long has it been since 2002?) (ever) he's visited her.
3. Yeppers, it's really his fault; he wanted to make her pay (he should pay for that).
4. I'm certain that something can be arranged (good behavior?- oh wait, this is Miss Parker we're talking about mm.).
I've forgotten Who Will Guard the Guards. *opens new window, peeks in* Oh right. The first chapter- it's the only chapter I wanted to write anyway, although I do love that the muse included Dr. Cox and I am curious to see where the Muse drags me (kicking and screaming of course). Thank you for reading and reviewing, Contessa. The reviews are all appreciated.
Reviewer: Contessa Signed [Report This]Date: 03/09/14 11:53 pm
Damn girl! I mean damn! Mirage I never knew that so few words could be so profound. Your writing is succint and powerful. Jarod was truly sorry for his testimony and Miss Parker forgave him by placing her hand on the glass. I always wanted to see them do a glass touch as adults but never even considered that their roles would be reversed and MP would be the prisoner!!! I've read another story on another site where she was in jail because of Jarod but never written this exceptional and never with this original spin or the stunning hands on glass reversal. I LOVE that he placed his other hand on his heart...he didn't feel her in his mind like when they children. This time he felt her in his heart. Oh! I am crying. I am crying. Please continue this story and update your others.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading and reviewing. Jarod is truly apologetic. I think the Muse wanted to see him do something regretful, go a bit too far. I certainly never dreamed that I'd write MP into prison- this all makes me wonder just whose side the Muse is on.
Oh, great! I feel horrible now. No is suppose to cry. I'll try to update something; however, you have to promise that you won't cry. Ever.
Reviewer: d_el1 Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/09/14 04:58 am
You sell yourself short, just always underestimating yourself. Mirage you are my favorite writer and this does not need tweaking lol. Holy shit girl! This is amazing. I hope you will continue on with this and update your other fics too.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading and reviewing, Needlepoint (that's a hell of a name you got there- why didn't I think of that one?). I will try to update soon.
Reviewer: needlepoint Signed [Report This]
Date: 02/09/14 07:45 pm
I'm hooked, I know it says complete, but I can't wait to see if you continue. Wonderful writing, as always
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and reviewing, KSPretenderFan. I've no plans to continue; however, the muse is awfully temperamental (definitely mental). I appreciate your taking the time to read and review.
Reviewer: KSPretenderFan Signed [Report This]Date: 01/09/14 11:22 pm
Twitter brought me here and I'm so glad it did. I love your writing! I spent the night reading your fics and reading others and I just love your fiction. It's so intelligently written. It's eloquent and the characters are just like on the show. Thank you! This is a real honor to the incredible Pretender series.
Author's Response:
Twitter? Er. That's not good. Real life is (was) suppose to be separate from this- that said, I'm glad you're here. Thank you, Jennifer, for reading and reviewing.
Reviewer: Jennifer Anonymous [Report This]Date: 01/09/14 10:30 pm
Mirage! I love the divine sparks of imagination your muse visits upon you. You are the master of Pretender fiction bar NONE. Please don't ever stop writing. You are the reason I still consider myself a pretender fan. Thank you for writing and for sharing.
Author's Response:
Thank you reading and reviewing, Christoph. It's more like flames of insanity than sparks of imagination. You know, I'm not certain that I can stop writing. Thanks for your continued support. I do appreciate every single review.
Reviewer: Christoph Signed [Report This]Date: 31/08/14 10:56 pm
This was impressive, as everything you write. I also like the idea.
But it was very sad. =(
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and reviewing, MissParker87. It's a honor to be read and reviewed by authors (you and Miss KS- you are all too kind). I appreciate your taking the time to read and review.
Reviewer: missparker87 Signed [Report This]Date: 31/08/14 06:30 pm
Hardly a trifle! Anything you write however short is well worth reading!
Thank you for posting!
Very sad and poignant! The hand on the glass reversal was brilliant!
No tweaking necessary!!!
YOU are the Queen of Pretender fan fiction!
Author's Response:
Aw, thank you for reading and for reviewing, Twisted. Your continued support is appreciated.
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 31/08/14 03:30 pm
Words won't say how much I love this. It's beautiful and it is perfect. Don't change it and please please Mirage continue this. Thank you for sharing your talent and yes you are talented!! I read that last email and you don't know how good you are. You are my favorite author that must mean something. Update soon!
Author's Response:
Thanks so much, Mlle Parker, for reading and reviewing. You're too kind.
Reviewer: MlleParker Anonymous [Report This]Date: 31/08/14 04:30 am