Reviews For Y for Yearning
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Title: Y for Yearning

Nice, I like the idea of Raines keeping Kyle as a pet at the Dragon House. Parallels keeping Ethan at the forest house. I think the Harriet stuff was in 1987 though.


Little thing but in my family the phrase "born in a barn" is a colloqiallism for being rude or unmannered. So it's a nice opportunity for a little pun or self-depreciating joke for Emily there. ;-)

Author's Response:

Thank you for your review, Mariel.

Regarding the "Harriet stuff", according to the chronology I consulted, Kyle was arrested for the kidnap of Harriet Tashman at June 3rd, 1983 (

Here in Portugal, the phrase "born in a barn" can also have a double meaning, almost similar to the one you say your family has. In this story, however, the phrase was to be taken literally. But it is a good pun.

Reviewer: MarieL Anonymous starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 07/09/13 08:23 pm
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