At this very moment I'm halfway through rewatching the first season of The Pretender (I started yesterday), so it will be a short while before I get to "Risquee Business". And yet, I feel as if I've watched that episode (or part of it) right now. The flashback was very well inserted and written (I would make some minor changes, especially on Sydney, but that's only a matter of opinion, not fact) and the final segment gave a nice finishing touch. It almost read like an excerpt from a novelization.
Author's Response:
Thanks for your nice and intelligent review, Joel. I'm glad you enjoyed the final touch, that is the part I care for the most ;)
Reviewer: Joel Gomes Signed [Report This]Date: 19/08/13 11:11 pm
Good job. I enjoyed this lighter side of run/chase. It certainly could have gone down like this.
Author's Response:
Thanks Mirage. I love the fact you read my fictions, it's like if it's worth it. And I'm getting to finish Mind Rain too, soon.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 14/08/13 01:11 am
Hehe, I have to do some catch up. It's so long, haven't gotten back to it. Need to stop twittering, tweeting, whatever. It takes too much time!! =)
Author's Response:
You're so right!!
Reviewer: KSPretenderFan Signed [Report This]Date: 12/08/13 04:33 pm
This was a great read! Thanks so much for sharing.
Author's Response:
Thanks KS! I'm still waiting for othe reviews on Mind Rain 😉
Reviewer: KSPretenderFan Signed [Report This]Date: 12/08/13 04:19 pm
I did enjoy it. I think you captured their odd relationship perfectly.
Author's Response:
Thanks a lot Kelly!
Reviewer: Kelly Anonymous [Report This]Date: 10/08/13 02:58 am