Hi that was a good story
Reviewer: Katescats Anonymous

Date: 30/04/19 07:32 pm
Oh, naughty, naughty Jarod. Very sweet fic with a twisted dark ending. Very nicely done. I hope to read more and more from you and perhaps a sequel to this fic to see how Miss Parker copes with being rendered unconscious and abducted by Frankenrat?
Author's Response:
Well some mysteries are best left undisturbed but I'm intrigued u think Jarod is anughty, why the young cherub has no clue what there doing. However if My Troll Sam inspires me then I'think u might have a sequeal.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 16/04/13 12:18 am
Oh wow. What a clever child she is. I love this original character and love too the way she asked pointedly whether or not Parker would join them. Great job.
Author's Response:
Yes, isn't she a clever one amazing what two red files can create. Every once and a while I toy with an orginal. Yes it's always nice how a child can voice there own mind. Thank you.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 16/04/13 12:13 am
I didn't see that one coming. So short. But very nice.
Author's Response:
Well with any good story the idea is never to be seen until it's needed. Yes I keep them short for the reader. Yes as nice as I can be.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 16/04/13 12:09 am
(how did I miss this one?) Very nice. Very short chapter, but so much content. Very curious now.
Author's Response:
Because being missed is how u begin to cherish. Yes I like to keep the chapters short but full of plot it makes for a happy reader. Stay curious and more treasures will be found.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 16/04/13 12:05 am
please continue! I want to read about Miss Parkers reaction to Jared shooting her and taking her.
Author's Response:
Aww the ever serious moment of shoot first and abduct. Hope u enjoy.
Reviewer: charmed Anonymous [Report This]Date: 26/03/13 11:47 pm
This is very original story!Looking forward to your next fic!
Author's Response:
Thank you hope you enjoy every one of them.
Reviewer: dimana Anonymous [Report This]Date: 07/03/13 08:39 pm