A kiss. He owes her a kiss!!!!!! She gave him one when they were children and OMG finally Jarod grows a pair!!!
Thank you Mirage.
*Chefs Kiss* Delicious!
Reviewer: Revenant Signed [Report This]Date: 14/11/23 10:41 pm
Oooo! That's right. Parker kissed Jarod when they were children. He still hasn't kissed her back. He owes her one. He owes so much more than that, too. This is crazy amazing. I thought I had a favorite story by you but every time I read another story you've written my favorite changes. Sequel please?
Reviewer: Renea Collins Signed [Report This]Date: 22/06/23 06:31 am
I spent the day reading several of your stories and have come to review. This one might be my favorite.. but you make it so hard to choose only one.
Reviewer: Kayla Signed [Report This]Date: 30/10/22 03:32 am
Short and sweet. I didn't know this one and missed it. It's beautiful.
Reviewer: Archange Signed [Report This]Date: 12/10/22 08:00 pm
Oooh sweet, this one is so not dark. The first thing I heard about you was "ohhh, she's the queen of darkness" but this is deLIGHTful.
Reviewer: Leese Signed [Report This]Date: 06/10/22 12:41 am
Brilliant work. A really quick read.
Reviewer: Lorraina Signed [Report This]Date: 06/04/20 04:20 pm
You weave an inescapable web comprised of lyrical phrasing, exquisite dialogue, and a compelling plot. I can't help but to compare your fics to what I've read of Pretender Rebirth and Saving Luke. Unfair I know because you are writing fan fic and they are published and charging for what they say are novels. You are the better author. Your writing is solid, mature, intelligent. I won't buy any tp novels unless you author or co-author them. Please keep writing for us.
Reviewer: Miss Shannon Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 20/09/14 06:18 pm
Yeah payback. He totally should have done this, loved it!
Reviewer: TheDarkAngel Signed [Report This]
Date: 24/02/13 08:24 pm
Quite lovely and sooo like what he should have done!
Reviewer: Kelly Anonymous [Report This]Date: 21/02/13 03:40 am
I love it! I never expect the lighter side from you and I miss your long chapters. You did right by the characters. You always do. Update Combustion. Please!
Reviewer: Miss Parker Anonymous [Report This]Date: 20/02/13 06:16 am
Loved it! Your writing is amazing at it stays so true to the characters. Intrigued about the Thomas-Parker saga in your prelude although I am J/MP shipper at heart!
Reviewer: sam Anonymous [Report This]Date: 18/02/13 08:16 pm
I love it. A very accurate Jarod and Miss Parker...your writing always makes it so believable .... and that's not always good lol. This is whati hope will happen. You write beautifully.
Reviewer: Christoph Signed [Report This]Date: 18/02/13 04:18 am
what typos, I enjoyed the story so much didn't notice any typos! very nicel done as most of your stories qre. Short is a different path but you managed it perfectedly- I would expect nothng less ; )
Reviewer: nightowl Anonymous [Report This]Date: 17/02/13 07:03 pm
Great work! I'm waiting for Parker's turn maybe in next part!;-)
Reviewer: dimana Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 17/02/13 08:55 am
Very nice! Short, sweet and to the point. A nice break from hell. As always, thanks for writing!
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 17/02/13 02:08 am