Hi just read your story it was good Hope you do more chapter.
Reviewer: Katescats Anonymous

Date: 24/09/14 07:36 am
Welcome back! Nice chapter. Full of detail. Some answers and even more questions [kind of like Isle of the Haunted]. I'm interested to see where this goes. Please update Pandora's Box as well!! And take care of your wrist.
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 04/12/11 08:06 pm
Well, I suppose I can live without the smut! :-) I just really like the story! [I've been having a little daydream about Lady Heather and Jarod and I'm satisfied with that....for now! :-)]
Hopefully you will continue 'Pandora's Box' as well which does have smut [and hopefully will have more]. I really enjoyed the last chapter you posted on that.
But first, get better. Health is more important.
Thanks again for writing! Be well.
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 07/11/11 10:07 pm
Hey! Just wanted to let you know I miss reading this. I can't believe I am the only one that reads it. Just the only one that bothers to review I guess. But after all you did sort of write it based on my comment! :-) P;ease write a new chapter soon!!
Author's Response:
Hey, havent forgotten, and I will finish it, promise :)
My wrist that I hurt a while ago has been bothering me, making it painful to type (Im having massage treatment for it) and this last week I have come down with a cold :(
Im still working out exactly how to wrap it all up, I have some stuff written, that I need to go over and edit. Sadly the murder mystery has taken over and there doesnt seem to be much room for smut left over but I will see what I can do :)
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 21/10/11 01:50 am
Way to end a chapter! Talk about a cliffhanger! I really love reading this story. As I said before it's like a good murder mystery you can't put down. And you really breathe life into the characters. Although there is not enough of Lady Heather! :-( As always I can't wait to read what happens next. Thank you for updating! :-)
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 05/10/11 05:38 am
I didn't see anything wrong with the last chapter. And this one is fine as well. You are just showing story progression and that is important. If it were too easy than it wouldn't be so enjoyable to read. Thanks for posting so quickly.
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 29/09/11 05:35 am
Yay! An update. I really love the murder mystery aspect of this story. And the way you weave the different characters in and out of it. Especially how they relate to Jarod. Sam is turning out different than I thought. I can't wait to read the next chapter.
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 29/09/11 05:32 am
Thank you so much!!! You do not disapoint! I can't wait to read about Jarod and Sam's adventure! This is turning into a nice murder mystery. And I REALLY appreciate the update! I don't want to unduly influance you, but since the next scene will deal with Russians there is a great (although very sad) song I heard on a you tube pretender video called 'Oskolki leta' by Valery Meladze. You might want to take a listen.
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 10/09/11 05:22 pm
I realize that 'real' life can be time consuming but please update soon!! Either this or 'Oandora's Box'. I miss reading them!! :-)
Author's Response:
My muse is still deciding how its all going to go down - I will update this weekend, promise :)
Pandoras Box is kinda on hold, my muse is being stubborn about that one, I have one more update to do on that and then we will see what the muse decides.
Stubborn creatures these muses!
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 09/09/11 08:28 pm
This was really interesting!! I really like it! Please update soon!
Reviewer: Anna Anonymous [Report This]Date: 04/09/11 12:49 am
I cannot tell you how much I am LOVING this story! Even the two new characters that you have introduced. And I appreciate that you update so consistently! It makes reading more fun! I'm excited to see what happens next!
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 01/09/11 07:34 pm
Another very nice chapter. I love the idea of Lady Heather helping him. It is time someone did. And although I agree that this story is not about sex I love the promise of smut. It's who with that intregues me!!
I'm so glad you are writing this. I've been as I said hoping for a Lady Heather/Jarod/Miss Parker crossover for some time. And you do not disapoint!! You make it all so believable.
Thanks for writing!
Author's Response:
Thanks for the comments, glad you are liking this. Am trying really hard to make this a personal growth story for Jarod, and show his learning process. Sam and her antagonism was a complete surprise when I wrote it, still not quite sure where the story is going, but enjoying the ride :)
Wrist is still not yet 100% so may be a few pauses here and there in updates while I give it a rest.
Thanks for reading and my muse thanks you for your feedback. It makes her all warm and fuzzy :)
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 31/08/11 02:58 am
i LOVED this chapter. I am so glad you are continuing. I hope your finger is feeling better! I love the atmosphere of this scene and Jarod's comfort level increasing. It was sexy without the sex. I can't wait fopr the scene between Lady Heather and Miss Parker!
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 31/08/11 02:47 am
Fantastic! It would really be great to read more from this!
Reviewer: Anna Anonymous [Report This]Date: 22/08/11 12:14 am
Very nice! A little G compared to all the rated XXX thoughts running through my mind. Again you capture charecters very well. Both Jarod and Lady Heather! And mood. You portray that very nicely as well.
I'm sorry about your wrist but once it has healed there is no reason you can't make this the longer story you had planned! (please!?) :-)
My mind is running away with all the 'things' Lady Heather could 'teach' Jarod...
Great story! Thanks!
Author's Response:
Not sure how long wrist will take to come right, its my dominant hand, so I kinda have to be good to it :) And physio advises I need to be good to it.
If my muse wants to play when I can come back to this, then there might be more. I kinda condensed it all into this one offering.
Its not likely to be to R rated because my B&D experience is a bit limited and Im not sure I could come off authentic enough. And to be honest, my story is not about the sex, but about what happens inside your head, and how LH can help J with that - come to terms with some of his insecurities and issuse that the Centre left him with.
Thats how I see it pan out. Tho there is this scene where Miss P turns up, and J goes into hiding, and she and LH have a rather .....entertaining... conversation about the tools of the trade (so to speak). That I can probably manage and sound like I know what Im talking about LOL.
And I have some new music too, adds all sorts to the mood :)
I wont be writing again for at least a week, and I still need to update the Pandora story (its being a bit of a pain ATM)
Anyway, as ever, thanks for the support, if I didnt get any positive responses I would stop writing :) BBS!
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 21/08/11 03:49 pm