Sad! But dead on at least in the way I always imagined it. Once again you show your knack for getting into the charecters psyches even in a short piece like this! :-)
And by the way I have been listening to Within Temptation on Itunes and watching videos on YouTube. I like them! Thanks!
Author's Response:
thanks, had my first negative review today, so yours is doubly appreciated.
cant take credit for within temptation, someone did a vid and its posted in the vid section to What Have You Done, and the song embedded itself in my soul.
Also - Trapt try them
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 16/08/11 04:31 pm
That was very nice, BlueRos.
I think you really captured her point if view.
I really like your stories and I'm looking forward to next :-)
Reviewer: Ivyleaf Anonymous

Date: 15/08/11 09:18 pm