The least I can say is it's really capivating . This story just beg to be complete . I hope that you would someday be back , preferably in a near future so we can at last enjoy it .Until then I'll keep my fingers cross .
Reviewer: tana Signed

Date: 13/06/16 05:33 pm
Hi! I just wanted to let you know I miss reading this story. Please update soon. Your writing skills are missed! You and Mirage seem too be the only ones writing these days.
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 21/10/11 01:53 am
I love this story. I am so glad you and your muse are continuing with it. Thank you for updating. I can't wait to see what happens next. I especially enjoyed the paragraph with Miss Parker.
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 29/09/11 05:28 am
um you haven't posted in a while and I was wondering if you are gonna post more which I love to read when ya get a chance to post more. Anyway with how often you were posting you spoied us now waitiing for more is harder.
Reviewer: Megan Anonymous [Report This]Date: 23/09/11 11:12 pm
Did not expect another chapter quite so soon. Thanks! Short and sweet but revealing all the same. I can well imagine the Triumvirate doing such things. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 14/08/11 04:39 pm
That was a COOL chapter! I loved the episode of 'Angel's Flight'. It wasn't quite S&M but close and Jarod has never looked hotter in my opinion. And I LOVE the charecter of Lady Heather! She's the best thing about CSI and not on nearly enough. I'm surprised no one has done a CSI/Pretender crossover with some combination of MP/Jarod and Lady Heather...
But I digress. You really have a knack for portraying colorful moods. I'm curious as to the music you listened to while writing this scene. Did you make up the charecter of Samantha Hunter or is she from another TV show? Regardless another GREAT chapter and another timley update. Thanks!
Author's Response:
:) Im seriously liking your crossover idea with Lady Heather, there might be something in that.........
Music listened to during this scene was three albums of Within Temptation - The Heart of Everything (my fave), The Silent Force and The Unforgiving. I am totally in love with them right now! Dutch goth/rock band. Go listen on YouTube.
Sam is my character, I needed a tie in to the 'scene' and Lady Heather sprang to mind, but I had no obvious way of getting her to South Africa that was plausible. So, friends of friends. Angels Flight was where some initial concepts came from, but my lovely muse had very firm ideas about how this was to play out.
Im glad you liked this scene, its a new direction for me, and I wrote it basically from midnight til 3am last night (went out for dinner, ate too much and couldnt sleep). There may or may not have been caffeine involved :)
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 14/08/11 03:59 am
WOW!! You are without a doubt the BEST writer of SMUT I have ever come across. And that includes mainstream writing. And I appreciate the romantic side as well! Definetly not cheated anymore [although I only felt SLIGHTLY cheated by the last chapter. It was brilliant as well!].
I can't WAIT for the rest of this story and I am VERY grateful that you update on a regular basis! Looking forward to what you have in store for us next. Keep up the EXCELLENT work! Thank you for the story [as well as all the others!].
And by the way you are right! Getting there is a lot more fun! :-)
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 10/08/11 06:01 pm
OMG! That is soooooooooo not FAIR! You are a tease!!!
Author's Response:
LOL its all in the next chapter which i cant upload cos phone line is dead and no tech til 2moro. Patience, the payoff will b worth it :)
i prefer the getting there more than the there, if u catch my drift
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 08/08/11 05:51 pm
Good charter..very funny :) I like what Jon said: "Well it felt very much like two slightly unwelcome guests got hurried out the door as efficiently as is polite, by a man who had other plans for his evening.....Plans including the lady of the house"
I expected a bigger charter but from personal experience i know that it is hard to get muse to write :) So good luck with the muse!
Date: 07/08/11 03:29 pm
Read all in one sitting - told everyone near me to buzz off! LOL
Kept me captivated throughout. Could really see the characters as I read your lines.
Keep going - you've got the bait - now just reel us in!! LOL
Reviewer: lagrima Signed

Date: 05/08/11 07:03 pm
OMG! That was so HOT! And you haven't even got to the smut yet! Bring it on! :-) I didn't expect an update this quickly but am thankful for it. Please, Please, PLEASE don't make us wait too long for Chapter Eight. I LOVE this story!. Especially how realistically you flesh out the charecters and how you keep the pace going. Kudos!
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 05/08/11 12:16 am
I love this charter! It's so sweet! While i was reading i was smiling :) and i really love this sentencce : And while the words at the end were spoken as 'goodbye', what they really meant was 'I miss you'.
And again...Good luck writing more!
Reviewer: Tsvetelina Anonymous

Date: 04/08/11 12:03 pm
Oh, yeah, one more question! Goat sex?????
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 03/08/11 11:44 pm
Nice chapter! Have beeen waiting for it. I like the way you brought out their personalities during the phone call. I LOVE Parker's sharp toung and Dark Jarod is very sexy. I do have a few questions: (1) 'klein kak'? and (2) 'bok fokker'...
Author's Response:
its afrikaans, a fabulous language for swearing in - klein kak = little shit
bok fokker - goat sex which answers your other question.
Re your comments, thanks a lot. I try really hard to keep true to what I see their personalities are, and in a situation where they can evolve, what they might be. Jarod was always too good, too nice. And yet from Alex and Kyle we see much potential for darkness, but I think he has enough control to use it rather than the other way around
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 03/08/11 11:24 pm
I really like this story. And you update really fast which is great. The phone call was great and I liked parkers responses. She just can't show emotion or recieve it. She would be so much happier if she did. I know why she does she afraid more people will get killed if she cares. But if anyone can bring her out of that it is Jarod. I can't wait for more keep writing!
ps. I would be happy to talk about the movie if you still want too. I have watched both many times.
Author's Response:
Im about to post up a giant cliff hanger and then go away on holiday for 5 days with NO INTERNET access. So I hope you dont hate me too much. I will make the wait worth your while, promise.
I havent posted on the forums because they confuse me a bit, and Im not sure how active they still are. Have seen both movies now. Might do a rewatch and then post up some thoughts.
As ever, thanks for the support and feedback, my muse really appreciates it
Reviewer: Megan Anonymous [Report This]Date: 03/08/11 06:11 pm
Good charter....i think the only thing that i didn't like was the swearing althought it wasn't much of swearing :) And i don't know why - either because i had read too many Parker/Jarod fanfictions or because something else when i was reading this charter i was thinking that their conversation sound a little bit trite...but maybe is the first reason...Whatever keep writing! I would be interested in reading how they are going to bring the Centre down and what is going to happen afterwards. Good luck with completing the plot!
Author's Response:
Jarod doesnt swear in the series, Im trying to add some texture to the concept that he has evolved, changed to the circumstances, and I am fairly sure living on the edges of civilisation in Africa would be enough to make anybody take up swearing. I am 100% convinced Parker swears like a trooper, we never saw it because it was a family show.
Thanks for the feedback, its always appreciated. And REALLY appreciate the encouragement, me and my muse.
Reviewer: Tsvetelina Anonymous

Date: 03/08/11 11:13 am
WOW!!! I read all five charters together! Great job! I am impatiently looking foward to read more soon! Good luck creating more characters! :)
Reviewer: Tsvetelina Anonymous

Date: 01/08/11 04:07 pm
I like this story a lot! I love how you write Miss Parker. I always got the feeling that she loved jarod [and he her although that was a little more obvious]. Bring on the distruction of the Centre and bring on the smut!! Great job on Sydney and Broots as well. Can't wait to read the next chapter.
Author's Response:
Thanks, I work hard at staying true to how I feel the characters are in my tone and language.
There is one more chapter from Parkers POV and then I switch over to telling Jarods side of things. And yes, there is smut likely :) Not sure how and when yet, but there will be. Promise!
Reviewer: twisted Anonymous [Report This]Date: 01/08/11 03:37 am
She is so definitely in love with Jarod. I like it how Miss Parker can't help herself with replaying Jarod's message, I always did believe she enjoyed those little chats they were having (mostly because she never jumped up to inform the Centre about having them).
Syd is getting back some hope, which is a good thing, I never liked to watch him sad.
And Broots of course is still a hoppless puppy where Miss Parker is involved, but then again we like it that way (at least I do, it's part of his character's both flaw and charm).
And now the hunters have hopefully joined the pray in destroying their common prison.
Brilliant update, can't wait for the next one.
Reviewer: Terapsina Signed

Date: 30/07/11 07:19 pm
I love how you have started this story.
Miss Parker's indecision on what she should do is very in character for her and I like it how she is starting to come to the realization that she misses Jarod. I'm not sure if I want Jarod to be the one who is killing members of the Triumvirate, but I'm certainy interested to know how that turns out.
Can't wait to see the next chapter, I hope it doesent take too long before Miss Parker uses that phone of hers.
Very nice ;)
Author's Response:
Thanks, Im quite interested as to how it all turns out myself :)
Appreciate the feedback, I try quite hard to get the right 'feel' for the characters in their thoughts and actions.
Reviewer: Terapsina Signed

Date: 30/07/11 04:05 am