Uhhuh Ice Angel this is amazing!!! Please update this soon...feel free to make it dark as I'm totally craving dark Jarod fics lol.
Reviewer: TheDarkAngel Signed [Report This]Date: 28/04/11 05:30 am
Great story! I hope you will find the time and motivation to write more!
Author's Response: Thanks!...I hope so,too.
Date: 29/03/11 07:50 pm
Wow thats a great story. It show the battle I thinks been raging in both people. But Poor Miss P is despertaly torn she loves her Father and craves his attention and I think thats why she pulled away on Carthis. But now there is just Rains and her twin so the connection is less she hates them. And I don't know how Rains really feel he didn't like the idea of her leaving the first time. there are so manly twist and turn possible with this story can't wait to read what you write next. Thanks for keeping the story alive!
Author's Response:
Thanks a lot Megan!
Am having a bit of a downer at the moment. So have to say that I'm not sure when I will do something with this story. But thanks for your kinds words. They keep me motivated! :-)
Reviewer: Megan Anonymous [Report This]Date: 21/03/11 11:24 pm
That was great, Ice Angel! Loved the dream/nightmare, ah, hell, loved all of it. What is Jarod going to do? And how will Parker react? How can that be the end, Ice Angel? You're not as cruel as Steve and Craig, are you?
You must write more!
Author's Response:
Muahaha! you're good! Trying to install that sense of guilt...Very Daddy-like. Maybe it'll work. ;-) But maybe I am just as cruel, or as uninspired, as Steve&Craig. ;-p
But seriously: thanks a lot for the review!! Lime always it gives me great pleasure that you enjoyed it. I have some ideas in my head, all fighting for the upper hand. We'll see which one'll win, and like said before: if my muse will let me write them in an appropriate fashion. If I EVER find the time in the upcoming months.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 05/03/11 05:10 am
It could be a great beginning for very interesting plot. I hope you will continue:)
Author's Response: Yeah it could be... let's see if the interesting plot can be written in a manner that does it justice.
Date: 01/03/11 07:02 pm
Great start!!!Don't stop here i want more!:-))
Author's Response:
thanks dimana!...I do hope that my muse will comply with your wishes. ;-)
Reviewer: dimana Anonymous [Report This]Date: 01/03/11 05:53 pm