Reviews For Whisper
Title: whisper
Date: 28/02/11 02:00 am
Nice! Always a pleasure to read something by you!
Reviewer: RaChell Anonymous [Report This]Date: 28/02/11 02:00 am
Title: whisper
Author's Response:
Date: 05/01/11 01:21 am
Ooh, very nice, Ivyleaf, and very well written..
"I've heard you whisper my name." Hmm. Love it.
Author's Response:
Thanks a lot, mirage. I don't think I deserve such a praise. I was just in a right mood and I've got an inspiration. I hope one day I'll be as great writer as you.
Anyway thank you very much for reading reviewing.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 05/01/11 01:21 am