Ooh. This IS everything. I love how Miss P handled that. Manipulative but I don't blame her. She is scared and not ready and I think that is exactly like she is on the tv series. She even cried a little pulling her hand from his.. after being really shook by him grabbing her hand. SHe's so scared on the tv. Perfectly written.
Reviewer: Jana Signed [Report This]Date: 08/02/24 11:24 pm
Oooh and this is a hell of a ride too, this story that mentions carnival rides. So exhilarating even after a third read. Please never stop writing.
Reviewer: Revenant Signed [Report This]Date: 14/11/23 11:41 pm
Lol. Jarod's like "she can't deny a KISS" and Parker's next breath DENIES the kiss. They are so cute and so evil and perfect together. I love this. So many fall and festival feels. We had our fair come to town during fall when I was small and this reminded me of it and was really evocative. I'm enjoying the day reading you.
Reviewer: Revenant Signed [Report This]Date: 14/11/23 11:23 pm
Lol. Miss Parker. That didn't happen! When it just seriously happened. I can smell the cotton candy and fried- everything. Oh, GnR baby. I love that band. I wish I could stay and explore more. Have to work.
Reviewer: Lacy Signed [Report This]Date: 10/03/22 03:36 am
Oh my god this is too adorable those two..
"Denying an almost kiss, easily done, at least for her. She couldn't deny this however.
He wanted to see her just try to deny it.
And she quickly accommodated.
"THAT... did not happen."
I've read this before, but it's worth revisiting. It's so short! All of your stories are worth a revisit and I will be revisiting them all.
Reviewer: Jameason Signed [Report This]Date: 23/10/20 03:17 am
Ohhh so close and so far. Short little sweet reads but so perfect.
Reviewer: Leslie Signed [Report This]Date: 14/04/20 11:11 pm
I'm reading back over some of your earlier work and I really like this one in particular. There is something about a county fair, the cotton candy, lights, the clowns. It's.... I'm not sure. It's really fun and exciting and really scary too and I remember being small and thinking how anything might be possible. Clowns freaked me the hell out but that was all a part of the fun. I like how Parker stays in denial mode. I felt that strange fair feeling but I also laughed at parts of comedic touches you wrote. The way you compare Parker taking her hands off the wheel with Jarod to puking behind the ticket stand or plummeting to death...that makes complete sense to me. Who hasn't been terrified of falling in love and when love can get a person killed by the Centre. She has a reason to be afraid like this. It's a lighter look at the reality of her situation but only surface lightness. Reading again after a few years I can see that this isn't light at all. It's a woman terrified of what she's feeling. It's thought provoking and profound. That GNR song by the way is epic and really appropriate for Jarod and Parker. You can revisit and post more of this if you'd like. There are no rules against you adding another chapter to let us know what's going on. Please?
Reviewer: Xena Signed [Report This]Date: 05/02/20 02:45 am
I know I already posted a review, but just saw a TV program which took mostly place at an abandoned county fair with autumn's leaves all oveer the place...what are the chances?!!?! Immediately had to think of your story...which kinda shows what big impression made on me. ;)
Author's Response: Really? (I love strange coincidences.) Thanks for sharing that, Ice Angel. I never thought it would make any sort of impression. *bows*
Date: 17/10/10 10:41 pm
Great idea Mirage!!
Loved Jarod's declaration of love. Top notch written that line!
Very intriguing comparison Centre-Funhouse-Jarod-Funrides. ;-)
Loved it that u brought up that moment Jarod snaks into Parker's house before Thomas' death anniversary and manipulates her gun. Still remember the wheels in my mind turning when I noticed that Parker was naked that night!! He did invade her private spaceon more than 1 occasion.
Am looking forward to reading more about this storyline u created here. :-)
Author's Response:
Thanks Ice Angel. I don't know how (or why) I think this stuff up.(fun rides and Jarod? *innocent smile*)
As for Parker's nudity- I know! That morning, she was lying in bed and quite naked and then we learn that the little snake Jarod broke into her home and removed the firing pin.( From the gun she keeps under her pillow!) If he was close enough to see drool then uh...yeah...he was too close. Glad you liked and thanks for the r&r!
Reviewer: IceAngel Signed [Report This]Date: 16/10/10 10:46 pm
Author's Response:
Thank you, M Rose.
Jarod's going to have to work a bit to sneak past the watch tower. Eventually, I'm *almost* certain that he will breach the walls of the "grand palace" and claim his Queen.
Oh, I know, *shudders* clowns... I was actually going to have Jarod use some clown imagery in the "fun house" ride as well at the laughter but I just couldn't do that to Parker. (Yes, I chickened out.)
Reviewer: M Rose Signed [Report This]Date: 14/10/10 06:58 am
I enjoyed it! Even Lyle seemed sympathetic, up until you reminded us he's a cannibal psycho. Poor Parker, with her titanium encased control and abandonment issues. I hope Jarod doesn't give up on her.
And I hope you flounder ever closer, and even wash ashore, on Parker/Jarod Shipper Isle! C'mon, let those 2 crazy kids have some fun - they certainly deserve it! :)
Author's Response:
Thank you, Jane Q. Doe. Oh, no, Jarod will never give up- the poor guy. Or I don't think he will, hmm. There may come a day when I wash ashore on "P/J" Isle. At the very least, I can toss in some fun for the pair. They do deserve that much.
Reviewer: Jane Q. Doe Anonymous [Report This]Date: 14/10/10 02:53 am
tehehehehehe........ I love the Lyle bits and man you always totally nail every single character but that ending was evil. EBIL I tell you.
Author's Response: Ebil? Why thank you for that, anon. I shall strive to improve my ebilness..*evil laugh*
Date: 14/10/10 12:25 am
Fab work here mirage. Great dialog characterisations plot and was so sure he had convinced her. Love the autumn carnival theme all from an empty lot where a fair used to be? Will they ever hook up in your stories? More!
Author's Response:
Thanks for that. I just might allow you (the readers) to convince me to let these two "hook up", if only for a few nights of *adult* thrills. And yes, this sequel (I wasn't planning to write a sequel but it fit with the seasonal theme) was conceived by a single glance at a now unused bit of land.
Reviewer: remy09 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 13/10/10 07:37 am