Oohh it was ice cream!! I thought.. other. I love this. Awesome.
Reviewer: Jana Signed [Report This]Date: 08/02/24 11:52 pm
Ooooo. Ooh!! Lol. This is awesome. I thought, oh, sex, but then, no, no, just ice cream. Mirage, you are a wonder!
Reviewer: Revenant Signed [Report This]Date: 14/11/23 10:27 pm
I love this. Really sweet but in the best way.
Reviewer: richie Signed [Report This]Date: 31/01/23 09:09 pm
Oh ohhh! I got curious and really slowly scrolled through your offerings. Damn glad I did too. This is fabulous!
Reviewer: Lacy Signed [Report This]Date: 10/03/22 03:32 am
My my my! You have a ... a special way. You're one of those real authors. I can't get enough of.
Reviewer: Jameason Signed [Report This]Date: 23/10/20 03:37 am
I can't rate this anything but a ten. You're such an amazing author.
Reviewer: Leslie Signed [Report This]Date: 14/04/20 11:09 pm
Fire at will? lol. This is so awesome girl. I thought one thing but then something else happened. This is light and humorous. I'd like to read more. Just sayin.
Reviewer: Xena Signed [Report This]Date: 05/02/20 02:34 am
Another short story of yours. I thought one thing and then thought something else. He's always wanted to feed her ice cream. I love his innocence and then he talks about teaching her things...and I love that he's not so innocent.
Reviewer: Jameason Signed [Report This]Date: 15/08/19 10:12 pm
Holy shit. I thought. You know what I thought. I thought what you wanted me to think lol. No one writes them as perfectly as you. I wish you were writing the novels and then I'd buy them lol. Don't stop writing I beg you.
Reviewer: John Anonymous [Report This]Date: 26/09/14 11:26 pm
This was one of the rare occasions where I enjoyed being mislead. As soon as I began to read this I thought it would be just another sex story (the rating should have told me otherwise), but then you managed to surprise me. Nice!
Reviewer: Joel Gomes Signed [Report This]Date: 20/08/13 11:54 pm
oh and how about a sequel.
Author's Response: Hmm, I won't say no. Just have to see what happens.
Date: 19/07/10 10:30 pm
Oh yay, I love this, and it is very different. The characters were great and oooh you really had me going, was a naughty girl for thinking it was something else, clever wording and sensuality even if it was just a simple pleasure. Great job!
Author's Response: Tsk, tsk...Pretender fans have such dirty minds. *grins*
Date: 19/07/10 10:26 pm
Sorry for missed reviews I'll catch up soon--promise!
This was very cute and well done as a tease and that is what you wanted to do wasn't it??
Please get back to your stories soon, I'll reveiw soon and maybe even get a chapter out --soon?
Thank you for keeping me entertained. I've loved every word.
Author's Response:
Hey nightowl and thanks so much.. oh don't worry about the missed reviews, just killing the boredom here really. This was a teaser, have a few of them churning in my head and I needed to step away from FON for a while..
OH WOW..., I can't wait to read your new chapter...*happy dance*
Reviewer: nightowl Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 15/07/10 04:53 am
Ohh,something different .
HAHAAHAA! that was funny!tehehe. We adults are a dirty sort,aren't we?! A child would've never gotten the ambiguidty. Am glad I knew from the beginning that this wasn't with a sexual content (hence the rating), otherwise I'd have vomitted I guess. lmao
Thanks for the little entertainment! :-)
Author's Response: Hello IceAngel- yeah, I would have vomited too...*snickers* Reviewer: IceAngel Signed [Report This]
Date: 14/07/10 01:33 pm
I love this you ususally have such dark stories love those too but this was rather light perfect for summer totallly unexpected from you and it's so hot could see this happening, both characters were just as I remember them. "Carthis sparked their imaginations." And mine too. Great.
Author's Response: Hi Molly, they aren't always dark, not that dark, are they? Glad you like this light little fic. Thanks for reading.
Date: 13/07/10 07:41 pm
The story is so sweet and so well written! I think you have captured The Pretender spirit !
Author's Response: Aw, thanks so much dimana.
Date: 13/07/10 07:34 pm