Reviews For Give Up Your Life
Title: The Man
Author's Response: Thanks, middleman. I always appreciate your reviews. More Gem coming. Reviewer: middleman Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/07/09 01:38 pm
I like these haiza, great job, especially with the third and final piece and all the questions Gem has about the real world and merry christmases, presents and football matches, I thought all those details were very relevant!
The second piece was extremely sad, you conveyed the confusion and self-distrust and pain very effectively in your writing...
Thanks for answering my challenge and giving readers such an interesting insight into Gem's psyche!
Author's Response: Thanks, middleman. I always appreciate your reviews. More Gem coming. Reviewer: middleman Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/07/09 01:38 pm