Reviews For Free Falling
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Title: Conclusion

Hi just read your story it was very good. Can't wait for more.

Reviewer: Katescats Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/12/13 04:29 am
Title: Conclusion

In general terms, this was a very nice story. Not only was it a fast reading, it was also an enjoyable one. There were a few inconsistencies at the very beginning, almost as if the author was trying to find the best way to start the story, but once that key-element was found, it was hard to stop reading it.

The characters were well portrayed, particularly those we know less about. The only thing missing was the perspective from the "dark side". Since the author mentions that there will be a continuation to this story, I hope this will be part of it.

The plot is not 100% original but it was well executed, with plenty of twists and lots of interesting passages. With a few revisions, this could be the prose of a publishable author.

Looking forward to the next story.

Reviewer: Joel Gomes Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/12/13 03:14 pm
Title: Conclusion

This was fabulous. Thank you.

Reviewer: Christina Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 26/08/13 05:13 am
Title: Baby Parker

Aww, loved that ending!  :)  Can't stop reading this series! :)

Reviewer: Danielle SmileyFace Signed [Report This]
Date: 23/07/13 08:07 pm
Title: Wounded

I realised just now I've never reviewed this fic. I read it many times and I love it. The only thing I don't like very much is the ending, but it should have had a sequel. The first part with Zoe is the best. I love the scene where J and Parker go camping and kiss, and I love the shopping part, the scene at the grocery store is really lovely!

Reviewer: missparker87 Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/07/13 01:48 am
Title: Conclusion

enjoyed this ,nicely written and interesting plot twists

Reviewer: BlueRose Signed [Report This]
Date: 17/07/11 01:11 pm
Title: Conclusion

Amazing story!  So rich and full of detail.  I can't wait for the second part (or hopefully it's already up so I don't have to wait!, will have to check your profile).

Reviewer: Danielle SmileyFace Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/02/10 06:21 am
Title: Reuniting

Best chapter so far!  I love how Jarod and Parker's relationship is progressing.  =)  As much as I liked Parker and Thomas together, and I kinda liked Zoe, too, (and I think you captured her really well throughout the earlier parts of the story) there's just no denying that Miss Parker and Jarod were meant to be together.

Reviewer: Danielle SmileyFace Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 23/02/10 05:01 am
Title: Wounded

I can't help but laugh, but you're just evil when you've got a Parker and Zoe situation. It's spot on as if it were the series rendition. I'm not a Zoe fan as much either, but she's great for visual/story conflict when it comes to relationships. You gotta have a continuation or sequel. More stories! Another favorite writer among here.


Reviewer: electricq Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/02/10 01:37 am
Title: Kissing and Shopping

It was Broots. It was awesome. He called up the hotel, pretending to be Sydney, doing a BAD imitation of Sydney's accent, and requested they be left on Miss Parker's pillow. He hangs up, acting all smug, the phone rings, and he answers hello in the accent, only for it to turn out to be Mr. Raines. LOL!

Reviewer: AcaciaJules Signed [Report This]
Date: 18/01/10 05:54 am
Title: Wounded

I love and adore this story. I truly wish the favorites section of the site worked, so this could be on my list.
Great job on the characterization, especially with Miss Parker. I will definitely be on the look out for more from you, and be reading this over and over agian. It's a fine example of what other authors should strive to produce.

Reviewer: AcaciaJules Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 18/01/10 02:54 am
Title: Wounded

Oh, I loved this story. It was absolutely amazingly written. I cannot wait for the sequel. Please hurry! I must see what happens next. Continue on..oh Great Writer!

Reviewer: Dee Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/10/09 02:53 pm
Title: Wounded

I really liked this fic! I hope you'll write the sequel soon!

Reviewer: Vicky Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/04/09 07:05 pm
Title: Wounded

Wonderful story, you did such a good job. I hope you're still in mind to write the second part!!! What do you say? Bye

Author's Response: Hi, loveyoujar.  I do still hope to write the second part to Free Falling.  Right now I am focusing on No Turning Back, but once that is finished, I can get back to Free Falling part 2.  I'm glad you enjoyed it so far.

Reviewer: loveyoujar Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 18/03/09 01:22 am
Title: Conclusion

Can't wait until you post the second part of this story. It is a good story and can't wait to read it.

Reviewer: Ann Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/12/08 08:48 pm
Title: Conclusion

Wonderful story.  Is there a sequel?  You really did a great job with this.  I hope you continue with your writing.

Reviewer: Joy Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/08/08 09:39 am
Title: Conclusion

Please we need to know the rest. Bring it on!

Reviewer: janeway Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 15/06/08 01:56 am
Title: Conclusion

WHAT?! You cannot possibly just leave us hanging like this!!AHhhh this is torture!! Loved the story!! Keep up the good work and hurry up...please!!  Thanks!! :o)

Reviewer: agent o Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 05/03/08 01:45 am
Title: Wounded

Just spent the past couple of hours reading this fic - what a great story !!  I can't believe it's your first.  You did a fantastic job - well done !! I loved the way you had Jarod and Miss P interact with each other - there's always been a sexual tension between them in my humble opinion, and I like how you have them come together - finally !!  If only we'd had a third movie...<sigh>.

Anyway, I hope you are planning on starting that sequel soon - you can't leave us wondering what happens next for too long !!

Reviewer: JLC Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27/08/07 06:41 pm
Title: Wounded

Really great story. I just dedicated the last few hours to reading it. I love the wit you give Miss Parker, keeping it very realistic to her bitter nature even when she is happ(ier). Can't wait to read the sequel to this.

Author's Response: Thank you.  I'm really glad you enjoyed it.  :)

Reviewer: TLM Signed [Report This]
Date: 16/08/07 01:56 pm
Title: Conclusion

That was cool! I liked it and I've never seen anyone come to the conclusion of baby Parker being miss parker and Jarod's kid. I think I really like that twist! Keep it up!


Reviewer: Nia J Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 07/08/07 05:44 pm
Title: Conclusion

This was very enjoyable and I look forward to a second part. Good job of capturing the characters and getting their interactions down.

Reviewer: nightowl Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 29/07/07 06:57 pm
Title: Wounded

LOVE the story! it's really great. you made the characters so  true....

and one more thing --> Miss P. ROCKS! i still can't beleive the creators of tP made a character like Zoe for Jarod to be involved with. what, the hell, were they thinking!?!?! she was so... so... light-headed.... never liked her.

anyway, can't wait for the sequel.


Author's Response: Thanks, Jazzy.  I like your description of Zoe...light-headed.  I completely agree.

Reviewer: Jazzy Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 25/07/07 11:47 pm
Title: Conclusion

Loved the story and I can't wait for more ;^)

Author's Response: Thanks!  I'm working on it.

Reviewer: krisrussel Signed [Report This]
Date: 24/07/07 08:03 am
Title: Conclusion

interesting. I like the plot. ur right, zoe's insecurities pretty much determined jarod's choice, tho not completely. mp and j WERE made for each other...

Author's Response: Thanks.  I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signed [Report This]
Date: 24/07/07 06:26 am
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