Reviews For Return To Me
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Title: Chapter 1

Amazing job! Such a heart breaking story! I loved it I had been reading too many happy ending ones anyway and this one just ripped my heart out x) Loved it!

Author's Response:

Hi Sophie!

Thank you so much for your wonderful review.  I really do like to write "angst".  When I write "happy", it doesn't seem right.  I haven't had a review from Missing Pieces in a long time.  But then, I haven't posted in a while.

Thank you again!  You made my day!  And have a wonderful week!

Anna :)

Reviewer: Sophie Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 23/07/12 10:25 pm
Title: Chapter 8

What an ending, just kill off a main character?!? Geez.

Reviewer: electricq Anonymous starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 26/02/10 05:40 am
Title: Chapter 6

What happened? One chapter she was fine and went home the other chapter she was in the hospital. Did she get into another accident? What happened? Please update soon.

Author's Response:


Sorry, it is sort of confusing.  But, in Chapter 6, Jarod was still in the ER.  He had been daydreaming/wishful thinking the whole Chapter 5.

 Thank you for taking the time to reading and reviewing.  I'll update soon.

Take care.



Reviewer: Ann Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/05/08 09:11 pm
Title: Chapter 5

Interesting story. I am sure Parker would have trouble letting go of revenge. After all that has happened to her and those she loved at the Centre's hands, I'd say Jarod has his hands full.

Author's Response:


Thank you so much.  I do apologize for taking such a long time in replying to your review.  I'll be upadting soon.

 Take care.


Reviewer: nightowl Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 27/04/08 03:52 am
Title: Chapter 1

Did you just write:

"Hopefully, I'll be done by the end of this week." ??????

Excuse me but if you don't get busy and deliver another chapter soon, I'll send sweepers after you and make you sit with Angelo and watch those horrible monkey movies from the beginning of the episode "At The Hour Of Our Death" (season 3). Don't and I repeat, don't make me come looking for you!




Author's Response:

Hi RaChell!

I'm so sorry for not replying to your review earlier.  My computer crashed for several days.   It got fixed only yesterday.  

Thank you for your review.  I laughed reading it.  I hope to update soon.

Have a great Sunday.





Reviewer: RaChell Signed [Report This]
Date: 18/07/07 11:05 am
Title: Chapter 4

Interesting and can't wait to see how you pick up this ending up in the next chapter.

Author's Response:

Thank you again, RaChell,

I just started writing the next chapter.  Hopefully, I'll be done by the end of this week.




Reviewer: RaChell Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/07/07 11:40 am
Title: Chapter 1

Chapter 4 is on the way!  Great!  That's what I was hoping to hear.

BTW thank you for your review of my story WB3.  Of course I do have to point out that neither Miss Parker or Jarod were in character in my story so I'll be a good girl and not say anything more about your characters' detour.


Author's Response:

Hi RaChelle!

You're reviewing me just fine!  And thank you for alwys taking the time to do so.  Anyway, I just posted a oneshot called "Hello Again, It's Me".


Reviewer: RaChell Signed [Report This]
Date: 25/06/07 06:01 pm
Title: Chapter 3

Getting interesting however I am confused. Where does he find her at the end of the chapter? Certainly not at the Centre, or else he'd be in danger.

It's not that I don't like the story Anna, your stories are good and for the most part you usually keep Jarod and Miss Parker in character which is one reason I truly enjoy them.But this is a exception, they aren't in character in this story.

Most other authors could have them out of character and I wouldn't say a word about it in the review. But I feel comfortble enough with you to let you know what I think and give you a honest opinion even if it's a negative one. In a strange way that is a compliment I suppose, The fact that you can make the reader feel comfortble enough to give you a un-biased review rather then one that is sugar coated.

Author's Response:


Hi Rachelle!

Sorry it took me so long to respond to your review.  Real life has been so busy.  Thanks again for your honest review.  Greatly appreciate it.  Hey, I've started Chapter 4.  I will probably be posting sometime this week. Then, I shall be waiting for your review.  Oh, gosh, hope it's to your liking.

Anyway, have a wonderful week.


Reviewer: RaChell Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/06/07 02:25 pm
Title: Chapter 2

pretend2.jpgYour story is very angst and interesting so far Anna. If it were about other characters ... any other characters besides J/MP, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

But it's not in character with either Miss Parker or Jarod. (pounds head on key board) And I know from some of your past stories that Yes! you can write them in character and you can do it very well which is one reason I love your stories! (shakes head and wonders what happen to Anna! Maybe the Centre got to her and she's just been released from the Renewal wing)

So when I say I am disappointed in this story, it is because it doesn't stay in character. Other then that, I don't have a problem with it.  I like it as a story, just not as J/MP story however. And yes we all have stories which are a bit 'off' at times.

Author's Response:


Hi Rachelle!

Sorry, for not thanking you sooner.  Thanks for still taking the time to read this story.  Next chapter will be up soon.  Hope it's to your liking.

Take care.


Reviewer: RaChell Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/06/07 01:38 pm
Title: Chapter 1

Uh...did I review this story already somewhere.

Not sure, but I'm sure I already read it before.

Hehe, maybe it was the other side of my split personality.

Author's Response:


Hi afroupean!

Thank you.  No, you haven't reviewed this story.  But, you might have read this at Fanfiction.  

Again, thanks!


Reviewer: afroupean Signed [Report This]
Date: 11/06/07 02:19 pm
Title: Chapter 1

MP.jpgUpdating in a "few" days???  A few days???  Didn't I see where you have at least 3 chapters done?  Just remember Anna, I can resort to old hard chocolates with nuts and roses with thorns to throw at you and your Muse if you don't update soon.  

Author's Response:


Hi RaChell!

I'll be updating soon!



Reviewer: RaChell Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/06/07 09:45 pm
Title: Chapter 1

Very nice start Anna.  So much more in keeping with Miss Parker's character then the story before.  Like it, esp. the 'chance' part.  Keep it up and I look forward to future chapters

Author's Response:


Hi RaChell!

That was such a quick review.  Thank you so very much.  Yes, I like the "chance" part, too.  I should be updating in the next few days.


Reviewer: RaChell Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/06/07 09:03 pm
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