I've read this fic twice and I still love it. I don't like the idea of Jarod being married with Zoe, but you made it so easy for him to fall out of love with her and to start loving Miss Parker again... The concept of the fic is brilliant and original, not overrated. And having it from Jarod's POV adds something too. So thank you! I love all your stories ;)
Reviewer: missparker87 Signed [Report This]Date: 25/02/13 03:22 pm
Great story! I never could see Zoe as the one for the Pretender. This could also be an addition to the actual series as well. Besides the dark theme of the child cases it reflects the similar storyline when Raines' daughter was killed.
Reviewer: electricq Anonymous [Report This]Date: 03/01/10 06:09 am
Great story... again... good grasp of the characters... like always ;^)
Reviewer: krisrussel Signed [Report This]Date: 08/08/07 07:37 am
Very tender ending. But I enjoyed the beginning as much, where Parker calls and Jarod answers the beckoning. you wrote that part perfectly. I hope you continue to write for these two. I think i've devoured everything so far.
Reviewer: tess Anonymous [Report This]Date: 20/04/06 07:25 pm
I loved that one :) Hell, I love all your work, Phenyx. You're a good writer.
Reviewer: Anon Anonymous [Report This]Date: 31/05/05 11:25 am