"Not bad" at all! This was awesome and again, I'm not exactly Jarod's biggest fan but this was great.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 10/11/10 09:02 pm
I really like this, and how in character it is. Great story.
Reviewer: HyperCaz Anonymous

Date: 01/01/09 01:43 pm
if it was because she never expected to last so long or because she'd done so little with the time. great line! Indeed one wonders about esp. the latter one! On the show and especially in your story. *g* Very well written with wonderful attention to details. That I liked the most!
Reviewer: jerseygirl Signed

Date: 23/11/05 07:29 pm
I think you've captured their charcters perfectly. Please continue.
Author's Response: Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story.

Date: 20/11/05 11:30 pm