I like your story.
Reviewer: Katescats Anonymous

Date: 15/12/18 09:29 pm
soooo smashingly wonderful!!!! Love it.
Reviewer: lipamo Signed

Date: 03/04/16 05:47 pm
you have a powerful gift here, and i think you know it. it's wonderful how you wattle this memory with that 'present', makes this one-shot really interesting. with the additional passion between them.. - awesome
Reviewer: lipamo Signed

Date: 17/05/14 02:19 am
you are my fav writer...you could never waste my time. I love your J/MP nookies.
Reviewer: loveyoujar Anonymous [Report This]Date: 12/03/09 03:44 pm
Wasting my time? Are you kidding? Not when there's a Ginger fic to read. This was superb.
Reviewer: Loon Anonymous

Date: 23/10/05 04:50 am
Of course I liked it! I'm a big fan of all things Ginger.
Reviewer: Michelle Anonymous

Date: 22/10/05 04:14 am
I thoroughly enjoyed this offering. Short and sweet, with a lot of fun.
Reviewer: zipp Anonymous

Date: 20/10/05 09:09 pm
Another wonderful story. J/MP nookie is always a good thing in my opinion!! As for your muse, tell her to hurry up and get inspired - her fans are waiting to see what she comes up with next...!!
Reviewer: JLC Anonymous

Date: 19/10/05 11:32 pm
I agree! JMP nookie is good.
Reviewer: xibadgurl Anonymous

Date: 19/10/05 06:18 am
JMP nookie on the brain is good.:-) You know how I love your smutty fics. Not even one little bit confused either.
Reviewer: Dianne Anonymous

Date: 19/10/05 03:16 am