Reviews For So Hard To Catch
Title: So Hard To Catch.

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Date: 18/04/11 10:47 pm
Ah yes, this is what could have happened if Brigitte had been succesful. Very dark. Lovely.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 18/04/11 10:47 pm
Title: So Hard To Catch.

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Date: 07/10/08 08:45 pm
ooooh very very dark indeed. I don't quite get the valve and the cold water bit, I have to admit, and I shudder to think that our favourite characters could meet such a tragic end at the hands of Dr Raines... Impressive the amount of action you managed to convey in so little words...
Reviewer: middleman Signed

Date: 07/10/08 08:45 pm