Ha! *getting very strange looks from this room's other occupants*
"Hey, you okay, Jarod? You've been just standing there looking suspicously in that direction for half an hour.." (so annoying when he does that)
And my fav:
Mr. Parker: [to Miss Parker] "You'll have forgotten all about it by the next episode." (too true)
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/11/10 03:09 am
~ROFL~ ya know, i've always loved the cheese factor that goes along with pretender, and this was perfect, hilarious cheese.
Reviewer: protege14 Anonymous [Report This]Date: 16/02/08 07:52 am
LOLOLLLL I loved it!!! It was absitively, posolutely fabulous! It was both a little sardonic and innocently funny, at the same time... VERY nice mix of the two in the same story. Thanks for writing it!!!
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signed [Report This]Date: 03/07/07 11:01 am