Haha, now that- oh, my- that was brilliant. Hilarious. I could imagine the entire scene as if I was there with them. You have a firm grasp of the characters, of the show and you write extremely well- so well in fact, that I'm going to search around to see if you wrote anything else.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 18/04/11 09:14 pm
Splendid! This could easily be a scene from the actual show and that last bit:"Don't worry, we'll get your kids back."- Gave me chills. Very touching and that is such a Jarod sort of thing to say.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 18/04/11 09:05 pm
No harsh judgments here, Spectra. You did an excellent job with this. It's very well written, very lovely and conscise. I can't wait to read the next bit.
Author's Response: Thank you for all your reviews! You really brightened my day.

Date: 18/04/11 09:00 pm