Hi that was a very good story.
Reviewer: Katescats Signed [Report This]Date: 06/05/15 02:42 am
I love this fic of yours, Nicky! I'm not a huge fan of Lyle being a "good guy", but I must admit I enjoyed this changes in his character. I particularly liked two scenes: the "dream wife" dialogue, which was amazing, and the crib scene, I had fun when I figured it out in my head! Agreeable and nice, thanks for sharing!
Reviewer: missparker87 Signed [Report This]Date: 22/05/13 12:00 am
I liked it! Would have been better if Carly had shown up, cause Carly rules! (though she belongs with Jason. Always did, from the moment she came to PC...*sniff*) That said, I doubt anyone who wasn't so fond, and familiar with GH would really enjoy the story. You used the PC character's and locations too much. It's only due to my familiarity with the people and places that a lot of it made sense to me.
Reviewer: AcaciaJules Signed [Report This]Date: 16/01/10 01:42 am