Reviews For Fairy Tale Mishap
Title: Fairy Tale Mishap
Date: 02/06/11 05:37 am
Haha. Insanity is good. "Abused Jarod" is even better.
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 02/06/11 05:37 am
Title: Fairy Tale Mishap
Date: 03/07/07 11:17 am
Awwww, poor Jarod!!! :-D Sounds like the author needs to take a couple chill pills and call her shrink in the morning. Can we say passive-aggressive issues?
;-) '_^ ^_^
The plot outside the story is so much fnunier than the fairy tale (and it is PRETTY funny), which, I'm sure you planned! '_^ Thanks!!! Hehehehehe....... *walks away, laughing*
Reviewer: CrackerjacknPez Signed [Report This]Date: 03/07/07 11:17 am