Hi I just read your story it was very good.
Reviewer: Katescats Anonymous [Report This]Date: 12/12/13 04:07 am
Still enjoyed this one. ;)
Reviewer: Danielle SmileyFace Signed [Report This]Date: 02/08/13 07:54 am
Splendid, Mareen! You had me glued to the story with the very first line and quite an ominous opening line it is: "The moment he entered the building, he just knew something was definitely wrong."
It's simply incomparable and so surreal. I loved the recurring "red yellowish tie" and how you were able to tie (haha) the story together and bring it to magnificent conclusion with this memorable line: "Get a new tie."
Reviewer: Mirage Signed [Report This]Date: 16/04/11 08:34 pm
Nice little story. =) I love all Jarod's different reactions to dying.
Reviewer: Danielle SmileyFace Signed [Report This]Date: 14/03/10 08:20 am
This is one of the stand-out pieces of work on MP. I loved it and recommended it be featured. I wrote a review a few weeks ago and don't know why it's not here. Anyway, your writing style is unique and holds the readers attention from the first word until the last. You nailed Jarod's character and the interaction btwn. him and the cop was sterling. The descriptive prose was so well done that it felt like watching a video. Great work. Looking forward to reading more.
Reviewer: Topanga Anonymous [Report This]Date: 06/03/10 09:45 am
Brilliant. Just plain Brilliant. Thanks for an amazing read.
Reviewer: whashaza Signed [Report This]Date: 20/02/10 07:09 am
That was simply awesome! I really love your fics, I found one of your fics somewhere on the web and then google-ed you for more. Your ficcies make my day, thanks for writing!! :)
Reviewer: Mia Anonymous [Report This]Date: 11/03/08 08:59 pm
Poor Jarod! I love how his attitude changes as the story progresses. Great job, love it!
Reviewer: AngelWings Signed [Report This]Date: 20/05/05 04:41 pm