Reviews For Ways of Dying
Title: Ways of Dying

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Date: 17/11/10 08:55 am
Hell of a read. And that last one..very cute. This is a definite ten and new favorite. *Decides to stay up another hour and read*
Reviewer: Mirage Signed

Date: 17/11/10 08:55 am
Title: Ways of Dying
Date: 17/06/09 09:42 pm
I really like the first one.
Reviewer: Haiza Tyri Signed [Report This]Date: 17/06/09 09:42 pm
Title: Ways of Dying

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Date: 09/03/07 09:00 pm
Very intense! So nicely done and yet so gut wrenching at the same time. Glad to have read it.

Date: 09/03/07 09:00 pm