Hell To Pay by Trish
Summary: Jarod's been shot and it doesn't look good, Parker has some thinking to do regarding her favorite lab rat...
Categories: Indefinite Timeline Characters: Jarod, Lyle, Miss Parker, Mr Parker, Mr Raines, Original Character, Other Centre Character, Sydney
Genres: Drama
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Completed: No Word count: 11971 Read: 55606 Published: 16/05/05 Updated: 16/05/05
Part 6 by Trish
Disclaimer is in part one. This one is for you Nicolette. Answers regarding the picture.

Hell To Pay
part VI
by Trisha

A wind whipped through Parker's leather coat, chilling her body, as she made her way back to the hospital. The inky black night was beginning to turn midnight blue. She hoped that Sydney wasn't to worried about her. Entering the foyer of the hospital, a bundle of string-tied newspapers caught her eye. The headline, screamed "Carter Escapes Custody." Anger gripped her, as she raced for the elevator, impatiently pushing the up button. So, that explained why Captain Scott posted a guard. An eternity seemed to pass, before the metal doors slid open allowing her to enter. She began to tap her foot at its lethargic ascent to the sixth floor.

Emerging from the elevator, Parker turned the corner and caught sight of the uniformed guard outside the green double doors.

"Morning, Miss Parker," he nodded his head in the direction of the doors, "Dr. Green's with him, still, and he's improving."

A sigh of relief washed over her as she started to push open the door, yet something stopped and she turned back and looked at the officer.

"Officer. . .?"

"Dectective Fellows," he smiled,"What can I do for you?"

"Does everyone on the force know who I am?"

"'Fraid so, Miss Parker."

"Mind enlightning me," she leaned up against the wall opposite the dectective, her arms across her chest.

"When he came on board, his desk was usually pretty bare, except for those damn pez dispensers. The boy has a wicked sweet tooth, if you don't mind my saying so."

Parker grinned, and nodded, acknowledging the statement.

"Well most of us have pictures and such on our desks, so one day a real hardass. Sorry, Miss," he smiles, slightly.

"Don't be. I've heard and probably used worse, " she returned the smile.

"Dectective Trainor started to needle Jarod. He's not one to lose his temper, very often, is he? Anyway, Jarod's busy writing in this red notebook of his, when Trainor makes a grab for it. Your picture fell out."

Parker waited with bated breath for him to continue, he must have been working on the notebook she had read earlier. The one regarding Thomas.

"Trainor, pig that he is, made a rather crass remark. Jarod didn't take kindly to it. Although he tried to ignore him, Trainor continued. Well, push came to shove and Jarod flattened him right in the squad room. Then as Jarod helped the son of a bitich up he commented to Trainor how lucky he only suffered from a black eye, for if it had been you, he'd have left the room, when the janitor emptied the garbage can, for he'd be wrapped in a tissue, after you squashed him with your stiletto heel," Dectective Fellows chuckled when he saw Parker grin," After that your picture sat on his desk. Called you his good luck charm, he seemed to solve case after case, that is until. . .

" Fellows stopped when he saw Parker's smile dissolve into a tight lipped frown.

"Thank you," she whispered," Now I'd best relieve Dr. Green."

"You're welcome, Miss Parker." he said as he held the door open for her," He'll pull through, with you here."

Making her way toward his room, she noticed that the curtains were drawn open and Sydney had his eyes closed, his face resting on his palm. Opening the door, slowly, so as not to distrub him, Parker cursed, silently when it creaked.

"Did you have enough time to think?" his voice was soft, yet gravelly from sleep.

"Sorry, Syd. The guard said he's improving?" her eyes darted to the prone figure on the bed.

"They are going to remove the breathing tube in a few hours," Sydney informed her, a look of relief in his features.

"It seems we have a bigger problem, don't we?" she eyed him critically," You knew that Carter escaped." He shook his head in the affirmative, watching her for any signs of rage or anger.

"I think you should go back to the Centre and have Broots run a search for this guy. I'll stay. You can also keep Lyle away from here," she knew she was asking a lot of him, but if both were gone, someone was bound to wonder.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes," her reply was low but quick," I'll stay in touch and if . . . ."

"There's no if's, Miss Parker. He's not going to die, not yet anyway. Unless you still plan on killing him," Sydney looked from woman to man, wondering about the childhood bond they once shared, wondering if it was still there. He believed it was or she wouldn't have come.

The shade returned to his position on the window sill's ledge, and half sat upon it, taking in the two that occupied the room. One believed, now for the other one. She was cracking, a little at a time. Their friendship was still important to her, but something told him that it went deeper than that. The shade wondered just how deep, at least on her part, for he knew how deep they were on his part.

"Guess we ought to find out just how deep, don't you agree, Miss Parker?" the shade chuckled," You didn't mind it, earlier, when I invaded your dreams. What about in real life?"

Parker felt a warmth invade her, a warmth that she had felt earlier, while sleeping and dreaming. Dreaming about Jarod. Shaking her head, she tried to push those thoughts out of her mind, only the warmth intensified.

Feedback please ! Ractrish@aol.com
This story archived at http://www.pretendercentre.com/missingpieces/viewstory.php?sid=1579